Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Road of Perdition – Destruction of the Third Temple

The days of darkness have come, times of abomination of desolation and great deviation. Our Lord Jesus Christ built his Church on rock. He laid its foundations solid, hard as granite, connecting its elements with his own innocent Blood. Later, the glory of this third Temple was strengthened by the blood of the Apostles and their successor martyrs.

Man is a sinful being by nature, and so, as could be predicted, millimeter by millimeter, meter by meter Judas betrayal crept into his structures over the centuries. We should not be surprised by this. After all, even Our Lord had a traitor in the ranks of his closest ones . After all, knowing this, Jesus Christ pointed out to us that we should beware. He knew well the souls of men and knew that Judas is among men, and the closer someone is to God, the more careful he should be. The Revelation foretelling the fall was written at the very beginning of Christianity by St. John, thus the only apostle who persevered to the end. And this gives this Revelation even more importance.

Incomprehensible, then, is the stubborn claim of today’s heretics – modernists that ” the gates of hell shall not prevail against him”. They use this argument probably the greatest blasphemers in the history of the Church. However, they are liars, and the father of lies is Satan, so their actions are in keeping with Judas’ nature . They deliberately manipulate the meaning of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ by pointing out that the Church is buildings and administration . However, Jeremiah already spoke of building the Church in the spirit, not with bricks . The Church is formed by people faithful to Revelation and Tradition, and only they will stay on the rock, the rest are falling or will fall into the abysses of hell.

The only surprise is that the faithful listen to them. Why don’t they see the matrices, lies and blasphemies?

Is it so difficult to see that, for example, the first commandment is broken repeatedly ?

And what is ecumenism today ? prayers with heretics and to some “mother earth”.

Assisi Buddha was placed on the Tabernacle ! The church where these blasphemies took place was destroyed by an earthquake. God will not allow himself to be mocked !

Perhaps, however, there is nothing to be surprised about. The church of today, the modernist church is a sewer of all heresies and acceptance of sins, and so it is easier to live in sin hiding behind ill-conceived obedience than to fight against it and one’s desires.

We owe obedience to God and not to men!

The fall and destruction of the first temple of the Most High God occurred as a consequence of the disobedience of the administration (priests ) and the faithful who obeyed them instead of God. Punishment was meted out to all.
Now an outcry will be raised:


This is what many think, forgetting that God knows our souls and He knew very well that people accepted deviations, wallowed in sin and tried to deceive God . God will not allow himself to be mocked and the punishment inflicted by the hands of the pagan empire of Babylon was terrible. It should be noted that God destroyed the buildings, administration and blasphemers, but already around Jeremiah was building a second temple – a spiritual one as a continuity of true worship of God.

One more important point. Did Jeremiah hide somewhere in the desert and wait for the punishment to come ? No, he persevered in preaching and trying to save God’s lost people. He was thrown into the dungeons, and did not hide himself, as some priests do now.


At the second temple the situation was similar in outline. Our Lord Jesus Christ was already foreshadowed in the Old Testament and His coming, death and resurrection was a continuation of God’s Work. As before, before again the pagan Roman empire destroyed the buildings, administration and the faithful listening to the deviant Judas priests, a new Church was already being consolidated which was the continuity of the true worship of God.

It is clear that the true Catholic Church is where the faithfulness to God Unchanging from the beginning, to the end of the world.

In the first case, God sent Jeremiah, In the second, in His love for people His Son, and now His Mother, who at Fatima gave us everything we needed to save the world from God’s wrath. Once again I have to write that, unfortunately, people have rejected this.

Again, one may ask Why?
200 000 people saw the miracle of the sun , and before the war a sign was seen and another prophecy of the Blessed Virgin Mary was fulfilled.


Pope Pius XII as it was foretold, laboriously walked to the Hill of the Cross around him died priests, monks and nuns and millions of faithful, victims of the war. What a terrible burden this true successor of Peter had to carry. In the end he was betrayed and killed. He could not live to see 1960 and saw how terrible the conspiracy was around him. When he was already lying in his room, ailing, he said that his words would not even reach the closed door of his room. He saw death and betrayal all around him,

Why did he have to leave ?

First, he was ready as commanded by the Blessed Virgin Mary to reveal the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960. This was something the modernists could not allow, because it pointed to them as traitors – Judas.

econd, he detected a conspiracy of modernists. He sent Montini, later Pope Paul VI, into exile, and it was known that he would not appoint him as a cardinal; and this was the main candidate of the Judas traitors for the papacy. The Modernists needed someone to appoint Montinini as a cardinal. The ideal candidate was Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli later John XXIII, but he was ill and they had to get it done quickly. Standing in the way was Pope Pius XII. Alone, weakened by illness, how terribly he must have suffered, knowing who was taking over administrative authority in his beloved Church.

I hear this whisper of prayer from a man dying in suffering …..

Does anyone else hear it ?

This is how a true Pope died !

After the death of Pius XII, at the conclave not yet all closed to the work of the Holy Spirit and Cardinal Siri was elected Pope, but in circumstances that are not clear to the end, intimidated resigned and John XXII was elected, who paved the way to the papacy for Montini by appointing him a cardinal. He died quickly of cancer. Now Paul VI appeared in the arena without problems, but he too only paved the way for the “first beast” . He was taking over the administration, making sure that the Second Vatican Council got as far away from God as possible. But that’s another story.

So the situation repeats itself. Deviation occurs, Priests lead the people to perdition by becoming Satan’s shepherds, and people knowing this choose sin and their own lusts by covering themselves with obedience. The third temple will be destroyed , the administration and the faithful who, following the example of the modernists, turned their backs on God, will also be punished. The pagan empire has already made its invasion. They have already taken over everything just as Babylon or the Roman Empire once did. We are enslaved by pagans and followers of Satan.

Pius XII said that his words – the truth will not even reach the closed doors of peace, and now in the period of the Internet the Truth does not reach anywhere. Although it can be heard and seen everywhere only there is one problem – no one wants to hear or see the Truth. People shouting about freedom have become slaves of evil , because only in God and with God can true freedom be found.

There is no other way to escape but through conversion and stop supporting today’s modernist church. One cannot mock God with impunity.

The Road to Damnation – God is no longer here!

Droga zatracenia – Zniszczenie trzeciej Świątyni

Arkadiusz Niewolski




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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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