Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Talking to a converted Freemason – Maybe at least a few people will realize that they are mental Freemasons and convert!

Part I.

I think that before you start telling your story and all that you want to convey you need to say why you decided to do it. For now I don’t know how much you want to expose yourself in these confessions but we know that some of them may have serious and very unpleasant consequences for you in the future. It takes a lot of courage to do this. Why do you want to talk about all this?

Unpleasant consequences? No rather I don’t expect such. I was not a high-ranking freemason , although I talked and drank wine with the highest-ranking ones. Revealing Masonic secrets are fairy tales , because there is practically nothing to reveal. As if someone would analyze what has already been written and said it will turn out that there is little left to reveal. The principles of operation are known, the effects too, and practically now all this is being implemented very openly. Of course, you can build sensations on some satanic rituals , but I have not encountered them (making sacrifices, etc.). Freemasonry is very diverse, so there are probably more sectarian factions that do such things, while I will not comment on such topics, because I know nothing about it.

Why? You shot me with this question. After returning to God, when I thought , now I would be among the majority I saw the ruins of faith. I understood why a Freemason friend from England told me , that they now meet once a year, and so they play with the Rotary Club, etc. They have decided that Catholicism is dead. Maybe I can give enough information that at least a few people will realize that they are mental Freemasons and convert.

Mental Freemasons? That is, people who have unknowingly adopted some Masonic views as their own. Is that what you mean? If so, you should first tell what these Masonic views are, because surely most do not realize it since, as you note, they have become mental Freemasons. For a Catholic, Freemasonry should be tantamount to an enemy of the Church, so if it is as you say and we have adopted the mentality of enemies, then it is time to shake up and see things through.
Besides, do you think the Rotary Club is fun? Why then do Freemasons “play” in this type of institution ? If they belong to them it is probably for a purpose. Not just to make the world a better place, as these types of organizations write on their websites. Many believe that there is nothing dangerous for a Catholic in this type of organization. Do you agree with that?

What I meant with Rotary is that they play with social activities, some charity festival they will organize, etc., and this has little to do with fighting. Here there is no longer such a need . However, are such organizations dangerous for a Catholic ? I will answer this question as you give me a definition of a Catholic .

Whether people unconsciously do it or consciously is a matter of dispute. Sometimes it seems to me , consciously although they are unaware of who they are. The concept of Catholic has been watered down, which is why their views are inconsistent and vague. Masonic mentality is obviously the adoption of their views for use in all aspects of life -private , social , political and religious. This is a river topic, very extensive and worthy of a whole book. This will certainly run throughout the interview.

What can be said about it so briefly? Man first-it is one’s own “self” that is most important. Isn’t that evident everywhere now? – Just me, me and me . Even national affairs are seen this way. What matters is not the good of the fatherland and the nation, only one’s own needs, and possibly if they coincide with the national interest then we support patriotism, if not, then we vote for those who give us more. People are so wrapped up in themselves that they see nothing, they are blind led by their own ambition and hubris.

Matters of faith will still come up so I won’t discuss them now, but everything translates precisely into the recognition that man is equal to God, or even greater than Him. A basic principle that practically everyone now adheres to. Any ideology that dethrones God rolls to the bottom , eventually devours its own creators. The French Revolution and communism confirm this. There has been a complete animalization of man and his values. Why should it be different with man as an individual? By rejecting God , or declaring themselves equal, humans become even worse than animals , because animals have an instinct for self-preservation, and humans lose even that and pursue self-destruction. And besides, they are easy to manage as a mindless mass that has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

This is only a fraction of the whole, but putting man first is the foundation of all Masonic ideology. A Catholic should see the enemy in Freemasonry, but very often the image of this enemy is distorted, by listening to various experts who, instead of showing the dangers closest to everyone, , only demonize leaving in people’s minds the image of the Mason – a rich, all-powerful man, practically a demon, or a murderer and thief . The truth is that often these are people we know and even drink beer together and do not suspect anything…. We look, for example, at such a teacher or pensioner and think: he’s a Freemason? he’s plotting and celebrating black masses? Let’s remember, for example, that in Germany Hitler ruled, while without ordinary but faithful people he would not have accomplished anything. The same applies to Freemasonry.


As for the definition of a Catholic, I meant a person who declares that he is one, has or at least should have a basic Catholic knowledge, and awareness that Freemasonry is an enemy of the Church. And I asked because many, although they once heard somewhere about such an organization as Rotary and its associations, according to their own discernment, conclude that there is nothing wrong in belonging and decide to join, for example, out of sincere help and a desire to act in a charitable organization. You yourself say that this is just a pastime for the Freemasons and has little to do with their struggle, so perhaps they think rightl?

As for people only declaring membership in the Catholic Church, in addition to the one today represented by the current Pope , that is, the identity of modernism, it will no longer harm them. They do not even realize that they no longer belong to the Catholic Church , but are ordinary Protestants . The problem is that there is not much to make them aware of this fact, anyway, they would rather not listen anyway. Every revolution carries out so-called brainwashing, so here we also have such a situation. The Protestant sect skillfully poured the venom of heresy into people’s minds. Returning to the topic, I repeat – for a modernist it doesn’t matter anymore, and for a Catholic charity with Freemasonry in the background is unacceptable, so a thinking Catholic will stay away from this organization.


You said that the image of the enemy is distorted. It is a common opinion that Freemasonry has the right structures, people, money and stick together. They can do anything they plan, because they have no scruples. That is, the possibilities are overwhelming. Isn’t that the case? Isn’t that the biggest threat? If you told the average “Catholic” coming out of church that they consider themselves equal to God they would be outraged and probably wouldn’t understand what you were talking about. Perhaps it is worth saying a little more about these Masonic views. Characteristics of such a Mason with whom we drink beer will help the reader confront how much of this mentality he has. For example, what views and beliefs do you have to have to become a Freemason? Are there any views that are unacceptable in Freemasonry?

If a Catholic heard that he was equal to God of course he would be outraged, but most do so without realizing it. If one rejects what God says, putting one’s own needs, passions and lusts first, after all, one recognizes that this comes first. Not God, but one’s own self. If we accept only those Christian values that fit our sins, then what is that? It is not man who is to decide what is good, but God. Do Catholics accept this? No, because this change occurred with the acquiescence and was directed by modernists, post-conciliar popes, etc.

Is Freemasonry all-powerful? Certainly not, but it is terribly dangerous. It is not omnipotent because it is enough for Catholics to hold to the true Gospel, which is rare today. Unfortunately, they have taken over the mindset of freemasonry and only talk about human freedom. What is freedom? Communists talked about freedom, modernists talk about it, and all revolutions. True freedom can only be found in God, and the rest is only vanity and pride of man. The Freemasons do not preach anything new, only what all revolutions do, and it has always led to tragedy. Now, too.

Are there any views that can exclude a person from the possibility of belonging to Freemasonry? I don’t know. Nationalists or Catholics are accepted. Once I met with a case that a candidate was rejected because he was against abortion , but then only one person objected, the rest did not mind. Freemasonry is like a cobweb wrapped around people’s minds and represents all political , social and religious options.

November 2019

Part II

A year has passed since the publication of the first part of the interview. We have many reasons to believe that “time has sped up.” Pandemics, lockdowns, vaccines have captured our minds in a very short time. A “new normal” or so-called “new world order” is being introduced before our eyes. Worst of all, shoulder to shoulder for the introduction of this “new order” are fighting representatives of the modernist church. All in the name of love and brotherhood. Far all this has gone for one year.

We are dealing with a snowball effect that is getting bigger and faster. This is not surprising. A deviation, a deviation from the mainstream by even a millimeter after some time gives a kilometer of distance. Therefore, I believe that Francis is nothing but the result of slow deviations from the true cult and teachings of the Catholic Church. She is such a final, one might say avalanche that destroys everything, from under which nothing protrudes anymore. She buries deeply the remnants of the Catholic faith. The Masonic mentality of the people allows him to do this. Our era is the era of paganism and therefore the only goal should be conversion. Like St. Paul, we must start from the beginning and be prepared for everything: aggression , hatred and suffering.

Nowadays, also very important is the message of St. John of the Cross, who clearly says that we should reject everything about which we have even a grain of doubt. Unfortunately, now it is quite the opposite; people accept everything, seeing in it only a grain of Catholic teaching. Many false prophets, visionaries and charismatics have multiplied. How can one believe someone who claims to have some secret password to Heaven giving him and those listening to him the assurance that God is speaking to him. This is a manifestation of not only a lack of Catholic knowledge but plain stupidity, and yet people believe it.

Everything has gone so far that even the so-called “conservative Masons” are horrified. It’s kind of funny because they didn’t realize what they were aiming for. They did something and didn’t think what the effects of it would be, and yet you only have to look at all the revolutions. Beautiful slogans turn into horrors. This is how it was, is and will be. The very word “revolution” is evil, whether someone calls it the National Revolution or the Communist Revolution or the French Revolution. Every revolution is evil, it comes from Satan and changes nothing for good; always for evil. If the world converts to God it will be stopped, but if it doesn’t, because it won’t convert as a whole, the world will be destroyed just like Sodom and Gomorrah, just like the Jerusalem temples.

Going back to the fact that even the Freemasons are horrified (the supposedly conservative ones). I once talked to a high-ranking Freemason from Scotland, who, when talking about homosexual unions and all those sexual revolutions, said that they never wanted it. But on the other hand, before the elections in the United States, , he was the one who almost carried Biden on his hands. Where is the sense and logic here? An intelligent man, a lawyer, doesn’t see the connection. He sees no contradiction between what he says and what he does. This is the very characteristic of people without God. If they adopt some of their ideology; they reject everything else. You prove to him that it is a lie, show in writing that it is a lie , and he still will not believe it. That’s because only in God is the truth. Only the Holy Spirit shows you the truth. The Holy Spirit sent to the apostles revealed and allowed them to speak the truth. This truth attracted the faithful. The truth converted the pagan world.

Now the avalanche has collapsed and swept away Catholic teaching. It has retreated people into paganism. Have the freemasons won or are they just winning? The whole ideology is winning. I.e., the point is that it is now outnumbered. It is only winning that those who created or supported it themselves are also horrified by what is happening…. One thing to remember- that every revolution kills its children. Does the avalanche bypass anything? No, it destroys everything; whether friend or foe. In the end, we will all wake up in one swamp, and those leftists who are now protesting without knowing why, and those on the right. They will all wake up in one place. Buried – they won’t see, they won’t hear anything. Does the so-called pandemic bypass anyone? Probably only the very top of the government is not affected. And the rest? Is there a difference whether someone is a right-winger or a nationalist, a Catholic (even the real one) or a leftist? They muzzle everyone without exception. The restrictions put in place and their effects affect everyone.

March 2021



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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

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