Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Masonic symbolism in the new Mass.

The Short Critical Analysis of the Novus Ordo Missae (the new Mass) written by Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci dissects from the theological side this Protestant-Masonic feast that is no longer a Sacrifice offered to God. Let’s try to look at it from a slightly different angle, since the co-creators of the new Mass were Freemasons and Protestants. We have written about the fact that one of the creators of this service was a Freemason, but it is enough to look at just some of the facts of the Second Vatican Council to conclude that practically all of them, with a few exceptions, represented a modernist ideology, and this means the same thing as supporting the Masonic communist vision of the world – in this case religion. It is an undeniable fact that the condemnation of communism was removed, with only one dissenting vote from a Czech bishop. Our famous anti-communist Karol Wojtyla was in favour of not condemning communism. Anyway, he never openly did so, even when his friends were arrested. So you can see who the so-called Council Fathers were.

In Freemasonry, symbols are important and everything has some symbolic meaning. Therefore, it will be much easier to understand the changes introduced if one looks at the external, and therefore symbolic, meaning of these changes. Let us perhaps start with the most obvious matter. The priest’s turning away from the Altar with the tabernacle) and facing the people is a turning away from God, a symbol of the dethronement of Jesus Christ our Lord, and the enthronement of man. And who is man without God? He is, as it were, a reflection of Satan on earth. The introduction of this element is the most important symbolic change, the others are precisely the result of turning one’s back on God. The whole Masonic ideology is based on the cult of man and the same has been introduced into the Church. The priest becomes the central figure in this farce called the Mass.

In the Catholic Church we recognise that receiving the Body of Christ is tantamount to receiving the Blood of Christ, because we believe that the living Christ comes to us, so the living Body must also have Blood. This had to be changed because it could not be subsumed under symbolism. You cannot claim that the Eucharist is only a remembrance of the Last Supper if you only receive the Body. Here, wine was still needed to show that it was just some piece of bread and wine in remembrance of what Jesus Christ said. Very soon the custom of serving wine had already spread in many countries.

From a Masonic point of view, the introduction of wine also has another meaning. After every Masonic work – that’s what the meetings in a Masonic lodge are called – there is a so-called agape (feast) at which wine is drunk.

Of course, sacrifices are made at the altar, and so tables are inserted, because the feast takes place at the table.

Thrones were also erected for the priest and chairs for the other celebrants. The priest has ceased to speak of a sacrifice, because we are dealing not with a Sacrifice offered to God, but with Masonic work. In the lodge, there is a throne in the centre where the Grand Master of the lodge sits. He has a table in front of him, with the sign of the Masonic lodge hanging behind him, while opposite him are the members of the lodge whom he directs during the so-called works. The priest, standing in front of the table, has the altar behind him and opposite the worshippers whom he directs. Why was concelebration introduced? Because in a Masonic lodge, on an elevation, next to the Grand Master there are the so-called almsman, the speaker and the scribe – all of whom are the main actors. The same thing happens at today’s service, we don’t just have the priest himself, but still his helpers.

Let’s go back to the agape that takes place after the Masonic work. Members of the lodge meet for a small meal and, as I wrote earlier, drink wine. It is now customary throughout the world for the faithful to be invited after the service for coffee and a chat.

At the end of the service, the priest also stands and says goodbye to the parishioners, which is borrowed from the Protestants because the pastor thus checked who was there and who was not. In the past there were penalties for absence.

Costume is an important element in Masonic symbolism . Every freemason dresses for the works in an apron, sash and white gloves, but he is only dressed like this on the works, and outside the lodge you are not able to recognise who he is. It is the same in today’s modernist church. The priest only wears robes during the service that indicate who he is, later he already changes into civilian clothes. Freemasonry is a secret organisation and members do not want to reveal themselves. Modernist priests, for some reason, also apparently prefer not to reveal themselves publicly.

Silence was one of the very important elements of the Mass and therefore had to be eliminated. Only in silence can God’s voice be heard. During the unfortunate “Pass the Sign of Peace” at the beginning of the most important part of the Mass, there is a noisy ceremony which has no liturgical justification, but which is a confirmation that this is a meeting of the faithful and not a Sacrifice. Some priests even refer to the Mass as a “sacrament of peace”.

At the end of the Masonic work, the lodge is lowered one by one, starting with the Grand Master and ending with the ordinary journeymen, the apprentices. After the master leaves, the conversations and noise immediately begin. This is the end of the performance. The same thing happens after the priest leaves people talk. You don’t get any chance to pray in silence.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to another interesting parallel. Probably not many of you know what a Masonic lodge board is. It is a paper, a paper prepared by members of a lodge and is read out during Masonic work. The topics should be within the scope of the main motto – liberty, equality and fraternity. These are the kind of papers like those at Communist Party conventions. You are now hearing statements from the clergy, Francis or others. What themes dominate? – Freedom equality and fraternity. The issues of God are left out. I don’t know if you know that in the lodge it is forbidden to talk about religion and politics. By the way, let me explain why. Lodges are said to be a gathering of leftists, but this is only partly the case. You can meet everyone there, from nationalists to conservatives to extreme communists. Also Catholics, Protestants or atheists; homosexuals and their opponents. So discussions on such topics could lead to the disintegration of the lodge. What do they have in common? They have a common goal – to rule the world with their ideologies equivalent to the slogans of the French Revolution, i.e. a globalist dictatorship. How do they reconcile this in this diversity? Simple. The slogans of liberty equality and fraternity are for the stupid masses, and for them power, money and wealth.

This is very well illustrated by the example of abortion. There are few who would themselves allow an abortion e.g. of their loved ones, but others let them murder their own children, in the name of freedom of choice, of course. Is this not what the modernist church represents . It teaches the slogans of equality, freedom and fraternity while wallowing in sin and wealth and collaborating with the richest of this world, who have amassed 90 per cent of the world’s wealth. Where there is equality and fraternity here, only Satan who leads them knows.

The Freemasons have their own architect of the universe, and the modernists have an idol that is the same, that is, that combines all the idols of the world. To whom do the modernists pray if not to the great architect? Who is their god if they claim that Allah and Buddha, Yahweh, mother earth and pachamama are all the same. This is such a universal great architect of the universe

If for the validity of the sacraments the intentions of the priest are needed in line with what the Catholic Church does and teaches, then think what their intentions are ? Do they, for example, really believe in the Resurrection ? Or maybe, for them, the Resurrection is the kind of Masonic ritual that occurs during the initiation to the degree of Master Mason. The journeymen kill their master because he won’t reveal secrets, and he is symbolically reborn as a master Mason. -This is such a simplified version.

Think about what you are participating in. All the post-conciliar popes are praised by the Masonic bed.

You have to face the truth. Francis is the Grand Master of the lodge east of the Vatican, that’s what it’s called, and more such a name fits him than the Pope or the Bishop of Rome.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

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