Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Christianity and World Order: Danger to Globalists, Clarity in Faith

The simplicity of the faith handed down to us by the Beloved Saviour is based on truth alone. All other aspects are, as it were, merely complements arising from the central premise.

Yes, I am aware of the fact that today’s theologians, or to put it more simply, rather the celebrities of a given milieu, muddle things up, even contradicting themselves. This is precisely the very interesting aspect. How is it that the universalism of Christianity has degenerated into sectarianism, pigeonholing itself within its own groups, which can in no way unite?

Universalism – I don’t know if I used the right term; maybe some group will accuse me of heresy.

God created this world, every Christian should believe that, and so the logical corollary of this assumption is to spring that all laws governing this world must be in accordance with divine law.

I write about this often e.g. here:

So I will not repeat myself today. But that is the simplicity of the Christian faith. On its complete conformity with the laws of nature, logic, or so-called science in general. This is why, for the builders of the new world order – globalists, Freemasons, etc., or to put it in one word – communists, Christianity is the most dangerous and ruthlessly fought against.

All other religions are based on lies and therefore often lack logic, and this means that faith must be based on an even fanatical acceptance of even the greatest nonsense they convey.

Followers of false religions are very obedient and easily led. If they already accept some lies and believe them fanatically, they will believe anything as long as it is skilfully suggested to them, i.e. interpreted and ‘explained’.

However, if religion is simple, logical and does not eliminate in people the ability to think, it becomes enemy number 1. Therefore, the priority of the present-day masters of this world is the elimination or even extermination of everything that bears even some small element of what Jesus Christ has handed down to us. Not excluding the erasure of His Sacred Name from human memory. The name of Jesus is no longer used in the speeches of the dignitaries of the so-called modern Church – an impersonal Creator on a par with “Mother Nature”. , or rather slogans like “equality” and “brotherhood” have become the new deity.

The faith handed down to us by our Lord Jesus Christ must be taken up first with the mind and then with the heart. Of course, this is very often done in reverse. The impulse of the heart results in conversion, but it is often only a fleeting feeling that has little meaning without a rational acceptance of the truths of the faith.

The simplicity of faith also lies in the fact that everything is confirmed in a normally functioning nature and world. With emphasis on the word ‘normally’. After all, one cannot call normalcy something that is clearly contrary to all laws. Today’s very modern people are even adherents of Darwin’s theory and claim that this is a very scientific and rational approach to explaining the world around us. I am leaving aside the religious issues here and the fact that this theory is already being challenged by hundreds, perhaps thousands of scientists – there is even a special list where they sign up. Considering that challenging this “theory” – as Darwin himself called it – can get you into a lot of trouble, there are a lot of them.

So man is an animal, according to Darwin’s theory a mammal descended from an ape. Except that even apes don’t kill their babies! Animals have a survival instinct , a species that murders its own offspring is doomed to extinction. Where does this rational approach show up here? Where is the logical, and therefore scientific, explanation for such behaviour? There is none, because the laws of nature are simple – you are born , you grow, you have offspring that you raise and feed, and then you die. This is a simple principle that nobody in their right mind questions. China, for example, challenged these rights by introducing the so-called one-child policy , and preferably a boy, which ended in the mass genocide of not only unborn children but already born girls. However, after years of practising this crime, they came to their senses and realised that an ageing population was doomed, so they backed down.

Let us note that the same people who fight so fiercely against faith promote laws that they themselves break (natural rights). This is similar to the situation that has occurred in the church. The modernists have taken over the administration, say, for example, that they are fighting against sexual harassment, while at the same time protecting its perpetrators in their ranks, and in fact they already openly support all perversions. After all, in nature two “dads” will not have offspring.

Denial, relativism, lack of logic make everything confusing. Everything that comes from God is very simple – knots are tied by humans, so you can always reject things and things that defy logic without any harm to your soul.

Here one simple example. There are so-called anti-abortion celebrities. Why is it that the giant Google or social media allow them to say that abortion is murder, and someone who writes a comment under this merely claiming the same thing gets immediately so-called banned?

Some will say that they are afraid of anti-abortion celebrities because they are popular. They are not afraid of anyone. They have even blocked the US president.

The explanation is as simple as ever. These ‘celebrities’ omit important aspects of the practice in silence, or promote other things in line with globalist policies in the process. The money that people contribute is better for them to flow into such controlled channels, rather than to promote the Truth itself – i.e. simplicity of thought and belief.

This simplicity is reflected not only in the way faith is embraced, but also in the way it is dealt with after some evil is detected. Nowadays, for example, there is much publicity about molestation, and what is most abhorrent about child molestation. The reaction should be simple and immediate – Removal to a secluded place and notification of the police, then court and punishment. Of course, if it turns out to be a false accusation there must be rehabilitation. All perverts would then flee the church very quickly, and not, as now, crawl into it through doors and windows for asylum.

Satan’s domain is impurity, so the institutions that harbour it can safely be called the synagogue of Satan. Little Gabon is an example of what this pink, modernist world of ours looks like. The abuse of children in sport, church, etc. The silence that surrounds such matters is appalling. Faith is simple and so is the justice of God. YES or NO , hell or Heaven. Because Purgatory is not for perverted child abusers , nor for hiding and silent accomplices.

Yes, faith is as simple as the soul. For it too, everything is either black or white. Bad or good.

Although we can spend a lifetime trying to whitewash our sins with a thousand explanations and excuses, it will come to nothing. The time of reckoning will come – the ashes of our explanations will be blown away and the truth will come out.

You can listen to the lies of justification from popes, bishops and thousands of priests and even go to church 3 times a day. None of this will work without true sorrow for sins , repentance and correction. Yes, correction. Maybe that is even the most important thing. Because what of the grief and tears of a murderer when he goes to murder again. Nothing. Everyone demands the death penalty for him, or life imprisonment. So what of sorrow for the sins to which one returns all the time. Also nothing.

This too is as simple as anything to do with Christianity.

Today’s modernist, modernised church is just one such false religion, where simple truths have been replaced by lies. In the past, these lies were carefully concealed because many people knew the true principles of the faith handed down to us by Jesus Christ, and were therefore able to think and distinguish between right and wrong. Now, after decades of instilling the venom of deviation in people, one speaks openly of mercy without justice, or practices ecumenism, which is the highest degree of blasphemy against God.

As in other false religions, there is no rationale to support the false theses, but there is fanaticism on the part of the followers , which is the hallmark of sects and not of the true Church. Fanaticism is also found in the followers of some charismatic “communities” or the Medjugorie phantom, which is very often connected. Nobody cares that tens or perhaps hundreds of texts have already been written about Medjugorie exposing lies and falsehoods. Even the bishops of the place and church commissions have been pushed into oblivion. There is a fanaticism bordering on madness, because only madmen can believe that a phantom ranting the same thing for 30 years has anything to do with the meek, humble Mother of God.

Detectives and investigators often say – follow the money then you will find the criminals.

This simple principle is reflected in this common confusion. Money is and will continue to be the motivation for all kinds of evil activities. It’s just that the money is paid by the people, and so it is in fact the people who build the empires behind which all sects – whether Torun, Medjugorje or South American sects too – stand.

This too, like everything, is simple . By following the trail of your money you will find the evil you support.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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