Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Catholic faith is not a relic or superstition; it is the only salvation!

In today’s so-called modern world, many people reject the Catholic religion because they claim it is “backward,” superstitious, and full of prohibitions that, as they perceive, do not fit into today’s times. This is an obvious thinking error. The world is heading towards a precipice without this faith. I wrote about it in the text: Divine laws vs. human laws.

It is completely in line with what our Lord Jesus Christ foretold: the world hates us, no matter what good we do, simply mentioning His Most Holy Name is enough. This is common even in so-called Catholic Poland, where just a mention of Jesus causes scorn or even mockery.

Just look at the situation after the Second Vatican Council, which, as I have mentioned before, dethroned God and enthroned man. The so-called post-conciliar “Church” follows the world, it has rejected the teachings of Christ in favor of the perversions of Satan, and yet its faithful are constantly attacked with the same intensity.

Attacks on churches have become commonplace, and Christians have become the most persecuted community in the world. The Vatican has now become the capital of the synagogue of Satan – it not only fails to defend Catholics but also supports their opponents. Just mention the cooperation with the Chinese communists, the cooperation with the USA without any word of condemnation for leaving Christians in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban who behead them. Muslims often behave this way towards the followers of our Lord, but that doesn’t stop Francis from claiming that we believe in the same God and constantly defending them – something he doesn’t do for Catholics.

A clear attack even on the Name of Jesus is also evident in the speeches of hierarchs, led by Bergoglio – they try to avoid mentioning the Name of the Savior and willingly use the term “god” – I deliberately wrote it with a lowercase letter because it has nothing to do with our God in the Holy Trinity. He can have nothing to do with it, since the name of Jesus is deliberately eliminated even from Francis’ supposedly “Catholic” public speeches, such as Sunday’s “Angelus.” “Praised be Jesus Christ” does not pass his lips, by the way, not only him.

In short, this is the world we live in. It is a time of apostasy, but also a time when we can show our love for our Lord Jesus Christ by faithfully standing by His teachings and rejecting the blasphemies of today’s “human” church, which is certainly not holy or Catholic.

Today, however, I would like to draw attention to one aspect among many idiocies that the world conveys to us, along with the apostate administration temporarily residing in the churches.

The Catholic Church has always considered pagan religions as superstitions, and its goal was to convert them, as happened, for example, in South America – not like in North America, where Protestants brought about a holocaust of the Indians. However, an interesting thing is that science also regarded these as irrational beliefs , superstition, etc. So, the so-called modern world rejected all of it, just like it rejected all religions.

Science is science, but the “world” led by Satan quickly realized that human beings need faith and that, concurrently with the destruction of the Catholic Church, something else needs to be presented to people. Although depression, which is nothing but loneliness without God, is very beneficial for Masons, globalists, or, in other words, communists, as it leads to suicides, which are already happening on a massive scale, one can observe an avalanche-like increase in the promotion of other religions, beliefs, or simply paganism and occultism.

Destroying humanity is their goal. Abortion and suicides are the main factors of depopulation, in other words, genocide. Allowing oneself to be injected with some harmful substance called a vaccine, which causes a skyrocketing increase in deaths and infertility, is, after all, assisted suicide. It’s like injecting yourself with a time bomb, except you don’t know when it will detonate.

A Catholic must be aware that our Lord Jesus Christ has given us only one teaching – contained in the Revelation found in the Gospel and Apostolic Tradition – and everything else comes from Satan. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of Catholics left, and the rest, even though they call themselves Catholics, are not. They allow themselves to destroy their lives by rejecting God and accepting the fallen one into their souls in the form of Eastern beliefs, magical practices, or the age-old enemies of the Christian faith – Muslims.

Hindus and Muslims, to this day, cruelly persecute Christians, while the media has convinced people that these are religions of love. Without the Holy Spirit, people are like defenseless sheep led to slaughter. They cannot distinguish between good and evil. Hordes of Satan’s followers, who call themselves atheists, attack like rabid animals and call it love. However, atheism is, after all, a lack of faith in God, so why bother with the Church and attack His followers out of hatred? If they don’t believe in any god, why do they only attack those who use the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and remain silent about the rest or even treat them with respect? Only Satan can work in this way because he knows where the Truth lies.

Filling the soul after casting out the True God is a necessity for Satan. The Masons know this very well, hence their “great architect of the universe” and the demand for belief in any god. Human beings must follow their orders and become slaves of globalists, slowly killing themselves. The prevalence of drugs is also evidence of this.

We now have an interesting situation. Belief in the Living God is considered foolishness, “opium for the people,” superstition, and the Middle Ages, but all pagan beliefs, worshiping idols made of wood, and witchcraft, fairies, and all kinds of occultism are considered modern. The devastation in souls caused by these practices is often irreversible. Many who immerse themselves in all of this cannot cope and fall into addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other mental illnesses.

Since the mid-70s, there has been a decline in human intelligence – this is a scientifically proven fact. Interestingly, it coincides with the formal dethroning of God after the Second Vatican Council. It also coincides with the so-called sexual revolution and the spread of drugs, as well as the beginning of John Paul II’s pontificate and the triumphant march of modernism throughout the world, along with his travels.

Science cannot explain this, or rather, it doesn’t want to point out the truth. All their theories have crumbled. The world no longer wants them – it wants some pseudoscientific gibberish unsupported by any facts or research but in line with the plans of globalists. There has been an abundance of experts in all kinds of even the most foolish ideas. They are always supported by some media expert, of course not for free, just like during the “pandemic.” What must one have in their mind to promote death for money, a death brought not by a pandemic but by vaccines? The same as Judas. He betrayed the innocent for a few coins.

The Vatican is, of course, at the forefront of false authorities – promoting paganism and other satanic ideas that detach people from the One True God is nicely called “ecumenism.” But it is, in fact, a violation of the first commandment and preaching “another Gospel,” which is a reason to become accursed – according to what St. Paul says.

For Bergoglio, true Church teachings, including the worship of God, as always practiced by the faithful – the Traditional Mass or any expressions of reverence for Tradition – are seen as rigidity, stagnation, and obsolete.

Everything is simple, logical, and visible, but unnoticed by many.

Why do people accept the evil present in our world?

The simplest answer is that they cannot distinguish between good and evil, and in most cases, they wallow in something in between. Lies sprinkled with truth easily deceive the majority. It’s because they do not know the true God. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one.” This teaching contains the essence of our faith – the Truth.

Look at other faiths. Have they changed even in part? Do they hate Christianity any less?

Today’s ecumenism is madness, self-destruction, not only in matters of faith but in every aspect – social, cultural, economic, and political.

Jeremiah asked the same question – nobody listened to him, and everyone went into Babylonian captivity.

The Mother of God in Fatima also spoke, and nobody listened to her. The Third Temple was destroyed, and people become slaves of the new pagan empire – the globalist empire, more beautifully called communism.

The result of not listening to God has always been the same. The time of Noah, the time of Jeremiah, the time of our Lord Jesus Christ, the time of the Fatima message – always the same, always human foolishness and resistance to God leading to tragedy. Let’s go back even further. Adam and Eve in paradise. For what were they expelled? It was also for disobedience, which is automatically associated with following the prompts of Satan. Most of these cases can be proven scientifically – historians and archaeologists have done so. In the case of Fatima, everything has been fulfilled or is being fulfilled before our eyes.

What is fiction and superstition here?

Facts confirmed by evidence?

Allowing the killing of one’s own children is considered modernity and a great civilization of rationalists. It doesn’t bother them that it contradicts even the laws of nature. Even monkeys care for their offspring, so if, as many Catholics today claim, we descended from monkeys, then we are even worse than animals if we don’t even follow the instinct of survival. This is where the pursuit of “reason” against the Truth has led us.

Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is not an obsolete relic! It is the only right path. This faith does not force you to do anything, it gives you a choice – although there is only one correct choice, no one forbids you to choose otherwise.

People desire evil and sin, yet they talk about freedom. Which sin brings true freedom? Darkness and paganism always tempt, just as the serpent did in paradise. Why shift the blame onto faith? Isn’t the truth better? Living in falsehood allows for the acceptance of one’s desires and sins, and thus, the acceptance of today’s false church full of paganism. If you do not have the Church built in your soul, on a strong foundation of faith and trust in our Lord, you will be swayed by anyone.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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