Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Stupidity does not excuse sin!

There are certain principles that guide this world. Let’s start with a truth that everyone has forgotten. God created the world, so all the laws governing it must be in accordance with God’s laws, because it is impossible for God to contradict himself.

There is a law of nature that says that a species that kills its own offspring dooms itself to extinction, so by supporting abortion in any way-actively or passively (e.g., verbal support), you are breaking not only God’s laws, but also the laws of nature. At this point, of course, discussions usually begin – and where is the freedom?, and what about the sick fetus?… etc. However, the fact that you are acting against the laws of nature is an undeniable fact, and no relativist theories will change that. What reasons someone supports abortion is irrelevant here. Supporting it may be through financial donations, or other support in the activities of pro-abortion organizations, or just tacitly – it doesn’t matter either, and neither of these ways can justify breaking God’s law, and therefore sin. I would say that supporting in a passive, silent way, if only in thought, is an even worse sin, because it deceives others, and it is precisely many who believe that this way justifies them.

The Vatican has long ceased to be a defender of life, but we won’t back down, suffice it to mention that just in May there was a conference on climate change – otherwise a rally from the extreme financial left, through extreme pro-abortion and pro-LBGT organizations .

This is a fact. It cannot be disputed. It is also a fact that the Vatican, headed by Francis, is organizing all this. This too is an undeniable fact. So if you support the Vatican in any way financially, giving even the smallest penny, or actively participate in its activities, perhaps pretending not to see it, denying the facts – you are supporting the killing of children. And nothing will justify it.

If you see that someone is cheating , lying or stealing from you, and you do not react to it, what would you call it?

Wouldn’t you call it stupidity?

Wouldn’t you tell such a person that he is guilty himself ?

Anyone who supports sin is guilty of sin, for which there is no excuse.

The Vatican actively supports the so-called climate dictatorship , which is also closely related to the promotion of abortion and all perversions, so you should not say that you are against such things if you support today’s modernist church.

People don’t go to church – people go to buildings called churches, and this is a diametrical difference. For those scruffy people who repeatedly remind you that you have to write with a capital letter if you don’t mean buildings, I point out that they can even write the whole word with capital letters – it doesn’t change anything if I’m talking about today’s modernist church. Because he is not Catholic!

For a Christian, the foundation of faith is the commandments of God. This is the rock on which you build the Church in your soul. People departing from God always turn to other idols of wood, stone, or gold – literally or figuratively. They break the first commandment, thus more important even than the fifth – thou shalt not kill (abortion). This, too, is an undeniable fact. In today’s modernist church, everything but the True God is worshiped. Pachamama, nature, climate , freedom, equality and brotherhood, Allah, Buddha … and the most important idol – promiscuity of customs, including, to put it mildly, the promotion of perversion.

Every penny you give , every participation of yours supports this. Whether you are from some small parish far from the Vatican and even have a priest whom you consider a good man – if he is a representative of today’s modernist church, it does not matter . There will never be an excuse for supporting evil in any form or manner. This is no orthodoxy, it is simply a fact.

The most dangerous option for the faithful, is the one that misleads them . They criticize almost everything that today’s modernist church represents, and at the end they add that you must listen to the Pope, however. They show that it is evil, but you have to listen to him, otherwise you are outside the church. This is truly satanic perversity. A complete lack of logic and a denial that our Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute truth, not a little truth and a little lie. What the Vatican now represents is one big denial of Christianity, so they no longer deceive , but openly represent the synagogue of Satan.

Freemasonry is by definition an enemy of the Catholic Church and this too is a fact that cannot be disputed. All popes of recent years are praised by the Masonic bed , the creator of the new mass was a Freemason. These are also facts. So how can you reconcile these two facts ?

What can the arch-enemies of the Church praise its administration for ? Only for one thing – for actions aimed at destroying the Catholic faith. The conclusion is only one – if you support them even passively, you are putting your hand to Judas treason.

Communism is the worst plague that has hit the world. There is no other ideology so cruel. It has already absorbed millions of victims. Such a curiosity certainly unknown to everyone – the Freemasons have always been behind communist revolutions. The Second Vatican Council did not condemn communism, only one archbishop wanted a condemnation. Francis openly says he is a communist. The fact that he does not have to say because he shows it in actions, but….

How can this be reconciled with the Catholic faith ?

It can’t. You cannot reconcile the Truth with a lie. However, people in their madness try to do it. However, communism, or its present form – globalism, is not a rainbow – it is a genocide, a bloody dictatorship. Poles should know this best, but like Catholics, there are few of them left. Those who are left admire Wojtyla (like the whole world) who never openly condemned communism. For that, together with Wyszynski and the entire episcopate in 1950, he condemned the last partisans fighting for freedom, calling them bandits .

You can spell reality and claim that all that is happening is the Catholic Church, but the facts cannot be changed. During the fake pandemic, they themselves confirmed who they are – they withdrew holy water from use – apparently they know very well that nothing holy can come out from under their hand.

There is no false mercy “despite everything”! There is justice and mercy. Mercy for the converted, for those who, like one of the scoundrels on Golgotha, understood their sins and sincerely repented. And for those persisting in sins and hoping for salvation is the fate of the other villain. This too is an undeniable fact. Even in human and therefore flawed law it is known that if you repent and improve you can count on a reduction of punishment, but for repeat offenders a high sentence awaits.

Hell is not empty , hell is filling up at an accelerating rate. If hell were empty, it would mean that in heaven there are people like Stalin, Hitler and many other criminals.

Truth is the beginning and the end. Truth always has a logical explanation.

If one could describe God in one word, it would be the word TRUTH.

Nowadays the Truth is well visible , no one hides it anymore, because it is known that people prefer to live in illusion and like to be fed lies. However, if someone consciously rejects the Truth then he is a fool, and human stupidity does not justify sin.

So it’s time to open your eyes, look into your conscience and start listening to your soul, not the world.


Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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