Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

That is not what faith is about!

They don’t want knowledge, just looking for sensation. They don’t want real faith, just looking for sensations. They do not want the Kingdom of God. People want the illusion of freedom given to them by today’s media. They do not understand that true freedom can only be found with God. Ignoring His laws, we lose ourselves and fall into slavery to our own limitations. And it is only in harmony with our faith and with the nature around us that we are truly free.

God created this world, so it is impossible for His commandments to contradict what He Himself created.

A clear example is so-called abortion, the murder of one’s own children. Most people call this the “right to choose” and at the same time support respect for the laws of nature and even actively fight for it. However, this is satanic perversity, because God’s commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is perfect, like everything from God…. And in accordance with natural law. A species that kills its own offspring, inhibits reproduction, is doomed to extinction – and so abortion is not compatible, either with God’s commandments or even with leftist views of so-called respect for nature. By humanising animals they equate humans with them, while at the same time violating the principles of species survival for which they fight so fiercely.

The procedure of murdering the unborn is only in line with the diabolical plan.

Our Lord said: give what is imperial to the emperor and what is divine to God. What do these words really mean? All manner of socialists scream that this is about the separation of church and state. This is patently nonsense, in a Catholic state there should be laws in line with the Commandments of God. These words tell us that if even the state allows something that is not in line with the Gospel, the Catholic must reject it. If abortion is widely available, it does not mean that it is okay to kill Give to the emperor what is imperial does not mean allegiance to him, only to God. However, one will not build a kingdom on precepts. It will accomplish nothing. If a society is not faithful to God, then governments will not help – they still distance themselves from God.

If Christians obeyed the laws laid down by the God of whom they are followers in name only, no politician would even dare to mention some pro-abortion law.

Looking at it from another angle; if such pseudo-freedom were nevertheless somehow legitimised, it would still be of no consequence to the faithful putting God’s law above some human permissions.

Every pro-abortion law is evil, and we should thank God that there are pro-life organisations which fight against this most terrible crime in the history of mankind.

The attitude of the hierarchy, is appalling, but above all the attitude of the faithful is shocking. The fact that modernist blasphemers have taken over the Church administration is far less of a problem than the cancer of unbelief and deviation with which they have infected multitudes of the faithful.

Catholic myths collapsed If there used to be crowds in churches, it was more because there was such a tradition and upbringing.

That is not what faith is about. You have to want to pray. Your soul has to desire it. Not going to church because you have to, and the soul will somehow automatically get closer to God. This accomplishes little and has nothing to do with faith if that is where contact with God ends. Your soul must be open to knowing God. It must seek Him and love Him more and more.

God has said many times in the Bible that He is not pleased with false sacrifices in which there is no love for God and no truth. God destroyed the temple in which the sacrifices were performed and not even because they were poorly performed, but because they were empty gestures without faith.

This nation worships me with its mouth … and not with its heart. – One can go to Mass every day and not really want to listen to God. And it is even possible not to love Him, but to deceive oneself with false piety.

Priests like Caiaphas and others doing everything “prescribed” and perfect. And they killed the Messiah! They had no faith. Faith and the Church first and foremost is to be in the souls. Fulfilling duties alone has no value if you are far from God.

The value is the soul. Satan, by leading people down the wrong path, by tempting or, for example, by leading them to do away with the Sacrifice of the Mass, had only one aim – to enslave souls. He took away the tools to help sanctification. He is concerned with your soul, and you submit to his methods!

They can take everything away from you, but you cannot afford to throw God out of your soul. You yourself are accountable to God.

If you know your faith and are close to God, you will not be misled. The Holy Spirit will be with you. He alone is the Truth and everything else is a lie.

You don’t have to support yourself on any man God is enough for you!

How was it possible that everything in the Church, in such a short time, fell into ruin? It took 2,000 years, and when there was a frontal attack on the faith, within 60 to 70 years everything is in ruins. People don’t know the truths of the faith.

Why? It fell apart like a house of cards because it was no longer on rock. Houses were being built on sand. The hierarchy was growing and the Church was not growing because people’s souls were not being built. Therefore, Satan took advantage of this.

It is necessary to rebuild the Church in the soul. To do this one needs a rock – a foundation. Man must stand in Gethsemane and surrender to the Will of God. Then the building of the Church in the soul begins.

It is necessary with full responsibility to follow Christ on the way of the Cross, If you look at the Cross you are to weep over the Passion of our Lord and rejoice that He has triumphed, for it is also your victory if you follow Him. This is the way to rebuild the Church in the soul. Especially in times of deviation when you have no support from any side. After the betrayal of the clergy, all these buildings and administrations form the synagogue of Satan.

You have to find the rock in your soul. Stop, pray in peace and admit that you have neglected much. Then you will see that the world is rushing into the abyss as always, and that the way of Truth is narrow, uphill and in the opposite direction. But with God!


Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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