Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

The collapse of civilisation – A spark from Poland

Observing what is happening in the world, we are sad to say that we are not living in dull times, but rather the opposite. We are in the midst of a communist tsunami that is destroying Western civilisation. Of course, like most cataclysms, it all started with an imperceptible breeze until it turned into a hurricane. During the last few hundred years as our degradation accelerated. The Mother of God warned us. First at Lourdes in France then Gietrzwałd in Poland, all the way to Fatima in Portugal – the final third call to repentance and conversion.

The forces of evil did not stand idly by. Immediately after the first two apparitions, Felix Kozlowska appeared preaching false mercy and claiming to be chosen by God. The Pope’s reaction was emphatic she was cursed by name as the first woman in the history of the Church. After the apparitions at Fatima ( Fatima) it was not long before Sister Faustina Kowalska proclaimed herself the secretary of God’s (false) mercy. She described things like popping Hosts and had a famous kitsch painting done in which she ripped the heart out of the Lord Jesus. This painting even the priest in charge of it, a supporter of her maya, deemed it unsuitable for churches, perhaps only for some private parlours. This time the Pope merely forbade the dissemination of her heresy and blasphemous painting.

Faustina announced that a spark would come out of Poland, and she was right, only that everyone thought of another spark – the Divine. However, just as her maya had nothing to do with God, this spark was satanic. You can read about the similarities between these Kozlowska and Kowalska phenomena here: (“JEZUS” WITHOUT A HEART – On Sr Faustina’s “visions” and false mercy ) and it is enough to compare what the accursed woman wrote with the text of the Diary of Kowalska, banned by the Holy Office – it is even the same style of writing. Felix Kozlowska was declared a saint by her followers while she was still alive. The modernists, on the other hand, did not elevate Faustina to the altars ( because they use tables for these feasts of theirs), so they elevated her to the tables as their saint

I saw a book on Catholic mystics in which Felix Kozlowska is also described. The devil is bursting with laughter.

In 1953, when the Bolshevik terror was raging in Poland, people were dying in communist prisons, the last partisans were still fighting in the forests; Karol Wojtyla celebrated Mass for the first time facing the people and thus initiated what was needed for the collapse of Latin civilisation – the destruction of the Catholic Church.This was the spark that started the fire. ( The Road to Perdition – John Paul II)

The Modernists defied the will of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They did not reveal the Third Secret of Fatima, they did not consecrate Russia and, instead of calling for penance, they became carriers of the plague of false charity.

The world has been plunged into communist darkness. We are seeing the collapse of all values. It is no longer even about Christian, but about ordinary human democratic values. George Orwell has thus become the prophet of all time.

The Catholic Church, viewed from the human side, is in ruins. The Vatican administration has become a Judas-traitor. The majority of the clergy is modernist in the worst sense of the word, given that modernism is a kind of global communism, symbolised by turning one’s back on God and one’s face to the people.

The Sacrifice has been discontinued – e.g. Paul VI calls the new Mass a feast, confirming this. Leaving aside theological considerations if you offer a sacrifice to someone, you do not turn your back on them.( Welcome to our lodge! – Everything is a symbol ) Tables, thrones, the worship of man, mother earth and other idols – this is what the modernist church looks like today, having nothing to do with the Catholic Church. This sect is simply using the name illegally. It may also be recalled that anyone who attempts to perform a consecration outside the Mass falls into mortal sin. We are, of course, referring to the Traditional Mass .

The Mass is a sacrifice, whereas in the new Mass we are not dealing with a sacrifice but with a Protestant feast. How can you call a creation created with the complicity of Protestants and Freemasons a Mass? The attitude of people who, on the one hand, consider Freemasons to be followers of Satan and Protestants to be heretics and at the same time claim that the NOM is valid, even though it was created by them, is laughable. This is such laughter through tears, because it is terrible. People, for example, break the first commandment by attending some ecumenical masses and claim that this is what God wants. According to them, God gave us the 10 commandments not to keep them.

The Catholic Church today is, for example, in Poland a few priests and a handful of faithful. The abomination of desolation has become a reality. The failure to distinguish between what is good and what is evil is the result of closing oneself to the action of the Holy Spirit.

Let us consider why actions are being carried out that look like strengthening other religions e.g. Islam. Christianity as it is now is no longer a threat to the globalist agenda. So why bring them to Europe, allow another religion to grow and expose themselves to terrorist attacks? Of course, one reason is that multiculturalism often causes clashes, riots which allows civil rights to be restricted. So do bomb attacks.

It is important to realise that globalism is a variant of communism. A totalitarian system in which there is no place for any democratic freedoms. After all, we are seeing censorship, which has already become commonplace on the Internet. Everything that goes against the leftist line is blocked.

The new order is to look like that in China. Religion must conform to what the state demands, or there will be no religion at all. Is this not reminiscent of the Polish patriot priests? How has the system of moral values changed? These priests used to be called traitors, and now the Vatican is signing another agreement with the Chinese Communists allowing them to force priests to submit to a dictatorship and still take money for it. (The Vatican takes money for silence?!) ( The Vatican has extended its cooperation with the Chinese Communists !)

However, these matters are only peripheral to the real goals. Masonic ideology has much in common with liberal Muslim mysticism. In countries where Islam is the leading religion, the Big East of France, i.e. the most radical left-wing Freemasonry, is very influential. Yes, Islam also has its modernists, who are gaining increasing support. Terrorist attacks and tensions in Europe caused by religious fanaticism mean that many Muslims are fed up with this life and are turning towards liberal wings, which also, as in Christianity, seek to establish one government and one religion.

All who disobey will be locked up in camps or live on the outskirts (slums). The time of the antichrist civilisation is coming. There is a mandatory escape order for those who are still able to break out of the clutches of the global matrix. If one wants to find out what kind of world one is really living in, one must try to detach oneself, at least for a week or two, from the Internet and other media altogether. Immerse yourself in silence and prayer. There is no other way to escape. This is the first step. Only in silence will you hear the voice of God.

The problem is that people do not want to hear and see anything but their own self and instead of God they put their hopes in people. The Masonic plan to dethrone God and enthrone man has succeeded and for most people has become the benchmark for their actions and thinking, i.e. not thinking. However, we should not worry about this, because salvation is not reached by the highway which the majority rushes along, but by the narrow path which the few follow. And that the world hates us is difficult, our Lord Jesus Christ also hated us. Truth has no recognition with Satan, and the world and people without God are a reflection of Satan on earth

Junary 2021

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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