Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Let your soul guide you!

Why do you think your body is the most important thing? Ask yourself. Asking questions generates answers. Whether you want it or not, this is how it works. You won’t get the right answer without asking the right questions. So why the body? How many people are really beautiful in the flesh – without any defects, which, by the way, are nothing bad, because it is not the body or your appearance that determines who you are. After all, you know that, don’t you ?

Besides, people following the lusts of the flesh deform themselves.

Is this not true?

Asceticism and fasting has been called a medieval superstition, but when reason – or perhaps just fear for health – prevails, we quickly seek what?

– Just fasting!

We disfigure our own bodies with tattoos calling it beautification. It used to be that only criminals wore tattoos. So what progress is this ?

Besides, the sight of a scrawny guy in trousers tight as a maiden but with menacing tattoos, arouses laughter rather than fear . Women disfiguring their bodies I will leave out in silence.

The opinion on tattoos is mine alone. Man does all sorts of things in life – both good and bad, but the most important thing is that he finally discovers that all he needs is harmony in his spiritual life. A peace and balance that can only be achieved with our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is necessary to cleanse the soul. cleanse it of its sins and therefore of human lusts, so that it becomes a worthy dwelling place to receive God. Of course, the stories of those who make it known how holy they are, often sitting in the front pews in church and pointing out their faults to others, should be put into the realm of fairy tales.

Man is by nature a sinful being and cannot avoid it, but that is why God gave us free will so that we can choose . We have an examination of conscience, sorrow for sins and repentance – and Satan’s false mercy.

Of course, most choose to lie about forgiving sins “in spite of everything”. It’s such a clever excuse for sins – and that it will never really be there, hardly anyone cares anymore. The most important thing is for the flesh to be satisfied.

So many of us satisfying mainly our bodies are at the same time destroying them. This is the paradox of modern man – living in complete intellectual emptiness and feeding the mind only with media messages. One such example of irrational behaviour is eating fast food, heavily processed junk food and drinking supposedly diet drinks, because, of course, they are sugar-free. Where is the sense and logic here ? Perhaps everyone should answer for themselves and look for similar examples in their own lives.

Why do we fail to see so many things that are senseless and wrong ?

Why do we allow ourselves to be led like sheep to the slaughter ?

Without opposition. And even often those who want to break out of the system we attack with taunts and lies.

That we allow ourselves to be destroyed is altogether only our problem, but why do we allow our children to be depraved ?

Questions like these could be asked in abundance, but there is only one answer.

The state of our soul determines everything. The distinction between good and evil is only possible when we are filled with the Holy Spirit . – But with the Holy Spirit, not with some indefinable mammoth promoted by today’s modernist church and its charismatic sects. Of course, people who have rejected the media hype of this world, even without believing in God, see some outline of the truth, but they will never see the whole. One can always find error in their interpretations, because only God is the absolute Truth.

The soul should be solely the dwelling place of God. It is inseparable from our Lord Jesus Christ . By throwing God out you will not fill it with anything but emptiness which will slowly destroy you Your mind will become dulled you will not be able to analyse correctly what is truth and what is a lie. You become like a sponge taking in all the sewage of this world, until eventually evil will begin to pour out of you, like the venom of a snake ready to destroy anyone who thinks differently.

No, it is not true that Satan can take over someone’s soul, this is firstly impossible because it is the property of God, and secondly Satan despises humans so to dwell in a person’s soul would be a humiliation for him.

Yes, contempt for man causes Satan to want to trample us like vermin. Man without God in his soul becomes a mindless creature that needs to be fed and then he will do whatever he is told.

Now there are a lot of films about zombies ready to kill for feeding their flesh – only bloodlust keeps them alive.

Look carefully around you. What do you see ?

Isn’t the rushing crowd following the scraps the world throws at them?

A crowd fed with lies that lack logic, so they are visible after all, but are accepted as truth anyway. Just a few decades ago, politicians would leave office for a single affair, but now ?

Financial scandals, moral scandals and nothing – no consequences. Is this normal?

Everyone will, of course, reply that it is not normal, but will go back to listening and watching what the media world feeds them.

Life on earth is short, so why waste it in a fictional world?

Looking from a perspective other than that of faith:

Think where is the centre of your life ?

Where do you spend every free moment ?

The virtual world and virtual lies….

Anyone who wants to be born again must break away from the media, let his soul guide him, but first he must build a church in his soul on the rock of his faith.

It’s that simple , take a break from social media and everything else for at least a few days.

However, unfeasible for most.

If the soul is not filled with humility, faith and hope for salvation – and therefore ready to receive God, you are going straight to the gates of hell for eternal damnation. And this will be the case whether you believe it or not.

You really don’t need to comment on and dissect every heresy uttered or blasphemous behaviour of popes, bishops and priests.

Whoever does such things is simply cursed as St Paul the Apostle says, so why consider what he does?

Simple , because our faith is simple and easy only that man keeps tying up knots which he cannot untie himself later.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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