Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

“Children of light” – another edition of the heresy of ecumenism!

“Children of light” and “children of darkness” such a statement is used by Archbishop Vigano, for example. Such a division is, of course, an ecumenical heresy that has unfortunately taken root in the minds of many traditionalists. It stems from a combination of the fight against the cancer of deviance in the church and the political struggle against the globalists. In human terms, such an idea looks very appealing – let’s unite forces, let’s fight together against one powerful enemy .

However, history teaches us that cooperation with the so-called “lesser evil”, ends tragically for the good. It stems from human rationale, and rally very fallible and even deceptive.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said clearly: YES or NO, and everything in between comes from Satan. Man tries to circumvent this simple rule, but it always ends in failure. Like anything that breaks the simple, and yet so misunderstood by most, rules contained in the Gospel.

Beautiful in the human sense, the slogans of the French Revolution led to the simple genocide of Catholics. Here it is important to note one thing common to ideologies that speak of equality, fraternity and freedom. They already at the outset murder all who dare, even in thought, to oppose them. And already believers can do nothing and still be persecuted. Such revolutionaries have a special hatred for Catholics. The revolution in Russia is also a good example of this. Uniting with the Communists in the name of overthrowing the hated Tsar ended fatally for them. However, it is not necessary to resort to foreign examples , after all, the tragic history of the Polish underground during World War II is a clear example of this. What was the end of any cooperation with the Red Army , or the Polish communists? Partisans just in good faith joined forces with the communists in the fight against the common enemy – the Germans. Only the problem was that evil will always remain evil, and very often such cooperation ended in the unraveling and liquidation of partisan detachments by the security service – the UB, or NKVD.

Satan if once he has already crossed some thresholds immediately tries to control everything, he is ruthless and eager to victimize the followers of Christ the Lord.
Yes, as I have written more than once the deviation of modernism did not arise at the Second Vatican Council – it existed much earlier. Bows to communism could be seen from all sides. From the political, but also the ecclesiastical, although Pope Pius XII tried to fight it. In Poland, as early as 1950, the Episcopate signed an agreement with the communists referring to the ” hatched soldiers” as bandits. To put it bluntly, this was an excuse for informers to turn in the last soldiers who were faithful to Poland – Catholics, after all, and so devoted to Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

So we can see exactly that calls for some sort of unity with, for example, Protestants are not only ecumenical heresy – they are even political foolishness. Those with whom we are supposed to unite morbidly hate Mother God. We as a website have experienced spam attacks from various Protestant groups. What they write about the Blessed Virgin Mary is not even suitable for repetition.

A Catholic can in no way unite with evil, even though someone would call it the “lesser evil.”

The followers of today’s modernist church have already departed even further from God than the Protestants, so who they will unite with there is no longer important, because they have united with the devil and have him as their father.

Look at the so-called “indult” as a form of cooperation with the modernists. It only allowed the isolation of the faithful with a traditional view of the faith and Francis had an easier task in eradicating such traditional groups. The superiors of the Brotherhood (FSSPX) also flirt with the Vatican, forgetting that with evil you do not discuss. The effects can already be seen – the first splits and slow deviations, which for the time being are still neutralized by a large number of great priests. Unfortunately, any cooperation with Satan ends in a fall.

Really, the children of light are Catholics in unity with Protestants ? After all, they continue to ruthlessly destroy us , as they have for centuries. Nothing has changed – they throw all their guilt on Catholics. It is in the USA, in North America, that such a merger is to take place – where the genocide of the indigenous population was carried out under their auspices, and now the blame is cleverly blamed on the Catholic Church. The famous Spanish conquistadors, or Portuguese, now shown as cruel murderers and plunderers are a drop in the sea of blood shed by Protestant countries. Children of light ?! Really?

No. Nothing that has even a tiny element of evil and heresy is worthy of cooperation with the true followers of Christ our Lord.

Protestants like vultures circle over the loot – a moment of inattention and they attack – preferably lying down and unable to defend themselves They are children of darkness and only conversion can save them .

Nothing is important only God and the rest is dust …. remember it is better to cut off your hand than to give it to a deviant, a heretic. There is no such thing as “for the sake of the common good”, because only God is good, and in him alone you will find fellowship and brotherhood.

August 18, 2022

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

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