Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Where is God in all this!

My Lord! It is time to quiet the storms, it is time to quiet the winds. The veil of lies has long since fallen, but the blindness remains.

No one saves souls fed by hypocrisy and falsehood. It is not the worst thing that even priests have forgotten to build up the Church in the souls of the faithful, because they have only been preoccupied with rituals forgetting that even the most beautiful sacrifices are worth nothing in the eyes of God without the most important element – a pure soul. There is something much worse. Catholics have forgotten that they themselves are responsible for their souls. The responsibility of priests is very great and they face terrible punishment – after all, it is well known that they would do better to tie a stone around their necks than to deceive the faithful. However, this does not excuse us ordinary humans. Our souls should always be ready to receive God. It is we ourselves who have to cleanse the dwelling of our sins – the priest will not do it for us. We ourselves no one else. This is the most important thing, without it everything else is just human excuses.

What will you say to God when the end of your days comes ?

Will you boldly declare that your priest has ordered you to do something ?

It is this certainty that will doom you. After all, if you have even a little faith, your soul screams that God is your Saviour and Righteous Judge. God and no one else.

Many today say:

I know the truth. In me is a faith as great as the churches once built!

But what pride and misconception of their own greatness unleashes them. Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly said that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed we could move mountains.

In us there is faith less than a speck in the wind, and the rest is a conviction of our own reasons and following other people rather than God. We are incapable of breaking away from the lies with which the world feeds us; we are incapable of stopping the sewage of heresy that poisons our souls. Instead, we are able to defend everything that comes from other humans. We seek confirmation from men and not from God.

In the hustle and bustle of the world, one can hear the arguments and raised voices of self-obsessed humans :

  • We have the masses!
  • We have the Pope!
  • No. You do not have a pope!

And so on, and so on….

Where is God in all this!

Lies, quarrels, divisions, sins of impurity, sectarian behaviour.

Only a madman would consider that these are the actions of God.
Sadly, these are just illusions fed to them by the world, or at worst by Satan.

People look high, confident in their rightness, without seeing the obstacles that are beneath their feet. And they fall lower and lower. The words Thy will be done, not mine – are an abstraction to them. They are asleep. They do not want to hear, they do not want to see.

The truth is mercilessly torn apart by the whips of falsehood.

Hello King! – They cry out, but the crown of thorns they put on. And the most hypocritical add the cloak of purple.

Christ the Lord bears the Cross made up of our sins, and how many of us want to relieve Him? How many will take up their crosses without adding even more to the Beloved Saviour?

The cross lifted, the cruel crime accomplished. The good villain repented and was saved. And this is what everyone remembers, but what fate befell the other, who instead of repenting chose to persist in sins, is no longer of interest.

To persist in sins is also to tolerate lies, sins of impurity, quarrels and hypocrisy.

To persist in sins is also to hide the truth in the name of some human ‘greater good’ . There is no greater good. There is only good and evil, truth and lies. And everything in between comes from Satan.

The fact that I wrote about the sins of impurity and many stopped reading wanting to escape the Truth will not change the Truth but it will change the final judgment for themselves.

Human beings, no matter what position they occupy, are not infallible because they have a nature marked by sin. We can only speak of infallibility when someone confirms what God has handed down to us. So it is clear from this that it is our Lord Jesus Christ who is infallible, not the one who repeats His words.

A soul that has been cleansed of its sins and has become the dwelling place of the Saviour does not need miracles, stigmata, apparitions or levitations. The Church which is built in the soul on the rock of its faith protects it from Satan’s attacks. It is not the barricades which various groups erect and which fall one by one because they are built of perishable materials. It is the firm rock of faith. But it, too, must be continually cared for, because even in the rock a small drop can, in time, gouge a large breach. In the same way that a small sin that we do not fight against, like a poison slowly but steadily poisons our souls.

We want the salvation of our souls, so let us take care of them and not just the externals.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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