Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

The way of the cross – the way of life!

The Lord Jesus, through His sufferings during the Way of the Cross, showed us how we are to go through life, because our life is like the way of the cross. Whether we see it and acknowledge it or claim that we don’t, because we are happy beautiful and wonderful. In reality our life is a way of the cross. Every person has some problems , adversities, illnesses, etc. and the difference is that a Catholic should stand firmly on the ground and accept all these small or big crosses on his shoulders; at the same time giving himself completely to God and trusting unreservedly that all this is for our good, even though sometimes we can’t understand it and the rest are fooling themselves .

What is most important to us?

At the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our beloved Mother spoke the words:

Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to Thy will (Thy word).

Later, 33 years later, during the prayer in Gethsemane, the Lord Jesus said the same thing:

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

These are the most important words in Christianity, this very phrase:

Thy will be done.

For the Blessed Mother, this journey of the cross began at the Annunciation. Then followed all the problems that continued throughout the rest of her life. But she was able to endure and survive it only because she completely surrendered herself to the will of God at the very beginning.

The Lord Jesus, during the prayer in Gethsemane, did the same.

Thy will be done.

These are the most important words.

It is important to understand that we are not able to walk this path and receive salvation if we do not say it with full conviction at the beginning:

Thy will be done.

You pray; many pray every day. We see it on our website. Prayers to the Most Precious Blood—the kind that seem strong and powerful to you—are read by hundreds of people a day. But unfortunately, many treat the prayers as incantations. “Our Father” seems so ordinary, and people seek power as if life were a fantasy film. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us just such a simple prayer as the Our Father, because in simplicity is hidden truth. You need to pray differently than most.Just asking for something is only a prayer. Certainly it pleases God in some way because you are addressing Him, but if you pray:

Lord God, take this cross away from me. Take this sickness away.

You must add:

Thy will be done! Take it away if you think it’s good for me!

You have to understand that everything that God sends to us—the good things and the bad things—is really only bad in our human understanding. When you are sick or have another serious problem and you pray like this, then God can take the cross from you. He can, but if you surrender completely to His will, In fact, from your heart, from your whole soul That’s when you’ll understand that whether He takes this cross away from you or not, you’ll already know that it’s for your good.

Maybe the disease is not as necessary for you as it is for someone in your family. That someone, seeing your faith and devotion to God, will convert. He will change his life from an empty, worthless pursuit of human lusts to devotion to the love of God.

The Lord Jesus in Gethsemane surrendered completely to the will of the Father and then went through the whole way of the cross. He endured it all, and every human being wishing to ascend the path to salvation must surrender completely to the will of God. Without this, we cannot endure insults, taunts, illnesses, and other things that befall us.

They lead us to depression, suicide, treatment with psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, etc. But it doesn’t give us anything. It doesn’t help because it is only an artificial killing of something (pain, anxiety) for a while.

On the other hand, if I give everything to God, then everything becomes easier and makes sense.

Take a look at how many people are now falling into depression. This is a rising tide.

And why is this happening?

We have become pagan. Look inside yourself. What do you really believe in? If you believe and have not become an atheist. Does the picture of God you have painted for yourself have anything to do with the truth, or is it similar to a blasphemous one with its heart torn out? You want to match God, and from the clay of your own lusts and predilections, you stick together idols. We are but poor dust. The sun will come, the clay will crumble, and at the slightest breeze, it will crumble to pieces just like your mind, devoid of the support of truth and God.

Unfortunately, no one talks about total surrender to God’s will anymore. No one teaches this anymore. On the contrary, today’s modernist church teaches how to oppose the will of the Most High by hiding behind false mercy.

Thousands of prayers are recited without the most important thing – without surrendering oneself to the will of God. These prayers mean little. To God, such prayers look more or less as if you are asking and at the same time saying that despite everything you will do what you want yourself anyway. Not what God wants, but what I want.

Where is the sense and logic of such thinking? You have to give yourself completely to the will of God. Day in and day out repeat it… every hour… every five minutes. All the time:

Thy will be done!

This is the hard part. That first breakthrough to say it. Everything falls on your head, you think the world is ending for you. One bad thing happens to you, then a second and a third, and your prayers look like you resent God and ask why. Because this one or that one lives like this and is happy, rich, etc. That’s why it’s so very hard, but later, once you surrender to God’s will everything becomes easier. That’s when the Holy Spirit is with you.

Today everyone buries the Holy Spirit very deep at the bottom of their soul. The Spirit of truth is uncomfortable , because the truth hurts and it is better and more pleasant to live in illusions and half-truths.

Anyway, people are mostly heretics and blasphemers. God, according to today’s Catholics and modernists, is this Old Testament God whom they do not understand at all and think of as some terrible, cruel, and bloody God. Jesus Christ is the other God, because he is not identified in thought with the Father, but he is the merciful fellow who ascended the way of the cross so that everyone could continue to sin and be saved. And one of the worst blasphemies taking place now is treating the Holy Spirit like a demon who throws the faithful against the ground, teaches satanic gibberish called speech in tongues, and yet heals. People do not see one God, but three. Islam believes that a Catholic believes in three Gods. In modernity, this is true.

There in Gethsemane, each of us entering this path, no matter at what point in our lives, must surrender ourselves completely to the will of God. Then we will endure the next things that meet us on the road: scourging and crowning with thorns. The crown of thorns and the mantle of purple, in addition to inflicting physical pain, inflicted mental pain because they were mockeries. How many of us are afraid of this?

People commit suicide because someone ridicules them on the Internet. They don’t have the strength of spirit, which is given only by surrendering to the will of God. To carry crosses, you need strength, but if you don’t have it, you won’t find it with psychologists or psychiatrists who will give you a happiness pill. Stupified, you will only kill the pain for a while.

They look to alcohol or drugs for what they can’t find there. They chase after the illusion of happiness, but they won’t find it because at some point, they either overdose and don’t wake up at all, or they continue to wake up in this world where there is emptiness without God.

If you don’t give yourself completely to the will of God, then you live in emptiness. Even the Freemasons talk about this. They claim that a person who doesn’t believe in anything is empty. And we have something to believe in. We have only one God, and we don’t believe. The only thing you have to do is lock yourself in a small chamber and give yourself to God. And every day, say, morning or evening:

Thy will be done, God!

A.Niewolski 2020

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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