Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Soul killers! Part II

The spiritual world exists and is more important than the material reality around us. If you don’t believe this, pay attention to what is most under attack. Our subconscious. This is the main goal, without this it would be impossible to carry out such massive operations as the so-called pandemic, or the change of values – evil became good, ugliness became beauty. All this had to be changed in our heads – in our souls.

After the phase of attack on the subconscious is over, now they can lie openly and they do it in such a blatant way that even a child should notice it, and yet people no longer see . A very good example is the coverage of the war in Ukraine. Articles with self-contradictory content are standard on our side of the curtain, on the Russian side we don’t know because the information has been blocked.

The media is being used for the main attack, but even more dangerous things are occurring in the promotion of paganism and the associated opening to the spiritual world. Few people realize how dangerous such things are and how easily they can lead, instead of to some imaginary harmony, to complete chaos and even suicide.


The main role here, of course, was played by the media and the post-conciliar church. It doesn’t need much explaining, it’s just that the globalists are descendants of National Socialism, or similar communism, and so they used the Goebbels method: A lie repeated many times becomes the truth.


After all, the plague of suicides in the Western world is a fact, and it is related to the fact that people without a foothold in God cannot cope with the world around them, which is evil and hates us – just as our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ said. Loneliness leads to closing in on themselves, focusing on the spiritual world, which, however, is very dangerous without God. They are lonely sailors on an ocean of thought tugged by storms . Their chances of survival are slim. The changes that take place in their minds are often irreversible.

The Gospel shows us, as always, the dangers and ways out of difficult situations. As we open our souls and delve into the spiritual world, we should remember the teachings it gives us.


Recently, a well-known singer said that God is not a man, as we have been “told”. I don’t know who told her what, but with all due respect for her courage to speak the truth about the false pandemic

Jesus Christ clearly says that God is Spirit and must be worshiped in spirit and truth.

Why do I mention this? Because this is the basic mistake of many people . They look for spirituality in Buddhism, Hinduism or other sects, and yet they have it at their fingertips, and it’s real, untainted by lies.

Here I would like to remind people fascinated by yoga and meditation, so according to them peaceful Buddhists or Hindus, that it has nothing to do with the truth. These religions show even worse fanaticism than Islam and persecute with all ruthlessness – Islam as well as Christians or other religions.

The image of peaceful monks is only for naive dissenters who can be freely manipulated. Of course, supporters of such things are ready to kill for such words…. Well, that’s exactly it – to kill.


God gives us everything we need to live – and that is spiritual. After all, this is the most important thing. Not our earthly miserable life, but the spiritual world in which is where we should build our Church On the rock of our faith. Only there.

The three temples were demolished because, preoccupied with human, earthly affairs, we always bring about a situation in which God rejects our sacrifices because He abhors them. Our dirty souls offend God with their perverse gifts. We forget that God sees not only actions, but also knows our thoughts, and these so often contradict the outward signs of worship.

The Mother of God at Fatima told us to stop insulting God, although, after all, at that time there was still neither the derogatory Council nor the Masonic new mass. Many, however, say that everything was fine then and want a return to those times. That is, he wants us to externally worship God, and with our souls insult Him with blasphemy?

External signs have no, I emphasize no meaning for God if they are not combined with the purity of our souls.

That is why the world is so interested in making it very dirty. Even then, in 1917, we were losing the spiritual battle, although just as in the time of Christ – the Sacrifice was offered correctly, the teachings to the people were preached correctly, but our souls were stained with sin . No one wants to remember that World War II was a terrible punishment foretold by Our Lady .

Why we lost, we already know. There is always the same reason – the belief that we are gods . Our own self surpasses even God in our view. Anyone who wants to be saved must win the battle for his own soul. Not here on earth, but in the spiritual world.

At the Second Vatican Council, the gates of hell were literally opened. All the evil that exists in this world poured in. The promotion of evil, perversion, the justification of Judas led people to reject Catholic spirituality. It was very easy to steer them toward Protestant “charismatics,” Eastern meditations or magic, witchcraft and paganism. Promoting spiritual openness without a foothold in God is playing with fire, it is a road into the abyss, not some dreamed nirvana.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

Zabójcy dusz! Cz. II

3 responses to “Soul killers! Part II”


      ”The main role here, of course, was played by the media and the post-conciliar church. It doesn’t need much explaining, it’s just that the globalists are descendants of National Socialism, or similar communism, and so they used the Goebbels method: A lie repeated many times becomes the truth.”

      TRUTH be known who these media are today and their ancestors, and then will one know the TRUTH.
      Douay Rheims Bible- Apocalypse 2 : 9 and 3 : 9.

      Liked by 1 person

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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