Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Abortion – the apogee of evil and hypocrisy

You can’t mourn miscarriages and then pretend that abortion is not also the loss of an innocent life.

Both are heartbreaking. Both are death.

This is a simple truth spoken by Abby Johnson, and so misunderstood by many.

I also wrote the other day : how can you ask a pregnant woman if she feels the baby’s movements, etc. and at the same time claim it is not life.

Freedom of choice?

Is that what you really think? To kill for your own convenience or not? Isn’t the very thought of killing your own child horrible to you?

People don’t give an innocent child a chance because some test or doctor’s opinion of a disease. How many times have they complained about medical errors, that it is a plague, etc.? But if it concerns the unborn then the decision is simple – kill.

Yes ? And why does the world give murderers sentenced to death a chance? The main reason is miscarriages of justice.

The murderer gets a chance and the innocent child does not. Where is the justice here ? And where is the famous mercy “in spite of everything” so promoted by today’s church – certainly not holy and not Catholic.

Recently, abortion supporters are being appointed to the Pontifical Academy for Life. Their statements are something terrible for a Catholic, but for the modernist masses of people who support this synagogue of Satan, it is a cause for rejoicing.

One such “authority” stated that as long as the child feels nothing, abortion should be allowed. He did not explain how he wants to test this ability to feel – knowing their sick minds, it is probably by trial and error.

For the proponents of killing, the unborn child is not even a part of this world of nature, just ordinary garbage to be removed and thrown away. According to them, you must take care of any vermin crawling on the ground – that you don’t trample sometimes because it suffers – ecology and ecological conversion. Only an innocent child does not deserve it. And this they now say openly until the last day of pregnancy.

They have pushed God away and put man first. So say the democrats, modernists , communists and Freemasons – in a word, the rulers of this world.

But after all, they lie as usual. Man in the first place and at the same time they allow him to be killed on such a scale?

Many millions of victims per year. This is true depopulation – children and women are their targets.

Man without God is like a puppet, mindlessly obeying orders. Even those that cause self-destruction.

Man without God is like a marionette, mindlessly obeying orders. Even those that cause self-destruction.

Always remember that behind the words: ” remove”, “abortion”, “freedom of choice” there is a powerful industry (for example, cosmetic) and money. For the gray masses: slogans without substance – freedom, equality and fraternity, and for the elite, power over them and wealth.

Instead of “We want God,” it’s the world singing “We want to kill our own children.” And today’s modernist church along with them.

Scourging of our Lord Jesus Christ: from the heavy blows of the torturers, pieces of flesh are torn out, innocent blood gushes out – Abortion: an innocent child torn apart by the torturers, innocent blood gushes out.

This is freedom of choice or murder ?

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

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