Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Love you my God!

I love you my God!

I love You though the world hates You!

How light the crosses are

When I am not alone

How light the Crosses are

When my eyes are closed.

To trust and go where Your Mother leads us

The world builds walls and barricades

And we church in our souls

On the scales of our faith!

Love for you my God

Illuminates our path

But nothing can surpass the love with which Thou hast surrounded us

Only the Ten Commandments Thou hast given us, but in them Thou hast described what a perfect world should look like

People write whole books, create thousands of commandments and precepts, and all they have done is to approach the gates of hell.

The sight of Your Most Precious Blood disturbs people

So innocently shed

So cruelly battered

But the gutter of filth and sin in which the world wallows no longer bothers!

The river of blood of the unborn

Flows through the streets of every city

And someone asks :

Why do you keep showing the battered body of Christ?

Because the greatest love is born in suffering.

It is not a dream in the clouds

It is not a daydream, but Golgotha, on which the three crosses stood to show how everyone should act.

Please, Lord, surround our souls with love!

May hardships and obstacles strengthen us

Let the joys remind us that You are among us!


Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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