Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Sectarian escape from the truth

Let us immerse ourselves in the Truth. Let us reject lies. Let us believe that everything our Lord Jesus Christ has communicated to us is the highest good. Let us remember, however, that exactly everything, not just the things chosen or even altered. We cannot correct God; after all, it is sheer folly to accept some teachings and reject others. We cannot justify bad things, that is impossible according to Christ’s teaching.

Yet we do this all the time. It is very easy for us to forget who someone really is if what they say agrees with our views, but unfortunately the truth is unacceptable – if it does not agree with our views or even our feelings.

We are dismayed to see that when we write about indisputable facts we are called liars. We show evidence and FACTS and are accused of conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, no one sees how much this has to do with the reasons for the capture of our Lord Jesus Christ – we behave like the Sanhedrin . Do you remember the words of Jesus?

If I lie then show where – No one is doing that now.

If I tell the truth, why do you beat me?

This is how the vast majority behave. The rest just remain silent supporting the evil that surrounds us.

They keep silent thinking that they are acting for the “greater good”, or the “lesser evil” as it is now nicely called. And they usually do not even realise that they are complicit in the crime of Judas betrayal. Such a majority is the basis of all Satanic modernism, all heresies and evils that surround us.

But everything has a beginning and an end. It is the same in life. Of course a Catholic will say that our life begins with being united in Christ our Lord at baptism. That is how it should be, but is it always so, especially now in times of apostasy and contempt for the Gospel and Tradition?

How many baptise their own children simply because that is the custom and there is nothing in their intentions in line with Catholic teaching. Godparents are just random people, often chosen through the prism of their wealth, so they too treat participation in this sacrament as a necessary evil from which they could not escape. A priest imbued with modernist heresies cannot have intentions in line with the true Catholic Church. It is enough, for example. that he is an advocate of false ecumenism – the first commandment of God so commonly broken today – and automatically does not belong to the Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ. So who will bring up such a baptised person to the true Catholic faith? We can see that this beginning of our lives is not always what we think it is. One can even assume that those who were not born into so-called Catholic families have a better start because they are not contaminated by heretical modernism, or in the words of Pope Pius X, the sewage of all heresies. They are simply pagans who are more likely to be converted and to know the Truth. They are not blinded by the sectarian thinking so common among “Catholics” today.

Why sectarian? The answer is very simple – because their faith is based on some man and not on God. Truth becomes unimportant; it is more important what a favourite priest, bishop or pope says than what our Lord Jesus Christ has communicated to us. There is only Truth in the words of our beloved Saviour, so what He has communicated to us is left out in silence – instead we are fed human lies.

Most are already pagans, only some have not yet grown up to admit that they are . They go on claiming to be Catholics fiercely defending something that no longer has anything to do with the Church.

The Apostle to the Nations St Paul was sent to the Gentiles and is the best guide for those wishing to convert and that is why his teachings are also passed over. They explain a great deal and are straightforward without being questionable. St Paul’s words like the sharp cut of a sword separate the lie from the Truth.

In fact, it is only then that our life begins, when we see the truth that can only be found in God. Then, and only then, do we reject the lie, crush the serpent’s head and enter the way of the Cross, the way of Salvation, the way that will lead us to the end to death and the Resurrection.

Ps. When we write about the Sister Lucia swap case, a very common reaction is to dismiss the facts without knowing them. A popular YouTube channel, which has nothing to do with Catholic content, recorded a crime podcast on the Lucia swap. What is very significant here is that people whose eyes have not been blinded by the venom of modernism that has been infused into the minds of the faithful for more than 60 years, have simply recognised that the evidence shows that Lucia is indeed a fake. Today’s church is the blind leading the blind, or perhaps more reflecting reality, the wolves (no longer disguised) leading the sheep to the slaughter . This is why I argue that pagans have a better start than so-called Catholics.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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