Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Without God, you can’t win!

Sometimes we feel lost in life and even defeated. We think we believe in God and that we are close to Him and yet we cannot cope with the obstacles that confront us. Our thoughts are filled with a lack of hope . Why are we unable to see a solution to the growing problems that are, after all, an inseparable companion of our earthly life? Surely one of the most important reasons is the lack of a properly established faith in our souls. Very often we confuse momentary raptures of the heart with firm faith.Gusts of love for God have the same value as for another human being. They pass quickly and are impermanent. They lack a rational outlook. They are similar to the situation in which we fall in love with someone we do not know at all, but love blinds us and we do not see that the object of our affection is someone completely different from what we think. The image that we have created for ourselves does not correspond to reality and sooner or later there will be a clash with the truth and the love we thought we felt will turn into indifference or, in the worst case, into hatred.

A more significant reason may be how we perceive our faith.

Is it a short-sighted view only of the Mecca and death of our Lord Jesus Christ or do we see the whole and thus the Glorious Resurrection. Faith is nothing abstract , detached from reality it is a logical truth handed down to us from God . Our Lord Jesus Christ does not show us suffering as a goal. He shows us through His passion and death on the cross the way to resurrection to rebirth in spirit and truth . The hundreds of tears shed reflecting on the terrible passion and death of our Saviour should be illuminated by a bright ray of hope and faith that through all suffering we will attain Salvation .

Of course, it is the height of pride to think that we could suffer as much as Our Lord , who took all our sins on his shoulders . We, who are like dust scattered over this earthly rubbish heap, can at most relieve the Beloved Saviour a little by taking our sins, our little crosses, on our shoulders.

But by shouldering even just our sins, we cannot lose. By submitting to God’s will we become victors. It cannot be otherwise .

Just do we really believe in a True God not invented by us ? Created in our minds in the likeness of our sins. God is omnipotent but if we treat him as a colleague then what kind of God do we believe in ? How can you expect supernatural help from a colleague ? Only if your image of God is in line with what our Lord Jesus Christ has given us can you be sure of victory if you persevere to the end, of course. With God you cannot lose and without Him you cannot win.

The main purpose of all the prayers we bring to God should be our salvation , asking us to see the will of the Most High. Victory means the Salvation of our souls and you cannot achieve this otherwise but by doing the will of God. Our commander in this spiritual battle is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the most faithful to God of all people, so we should follow her straight to the Cross in which is victory, in which is the Resurrection. So if your sins overwhelm you, surrender yourself to your Mother, for who knows the Son better than His dearest Mother, the Mother of God.

Look around you, look what a beautiful world God has created and what we humans have done . We are constantly turning it into a Sodom and Gomorrah, a hell on earth. Into a slaughterhouse of unborn children which is the greatest crime in the history of mankind . We murder over 50 million children a year and call it freedom. Communists and Nazis are good children compared to us! Abortion is causing aging populations and there is no one to care for the elderly, so another solution was invented – euthanasia, or so-called assisted suicide, or in simple terms, killing them.

You can’t lose with God, but everyone should ask themselves what they really believe in?

You cannot be Catholic by supporting even just in thought or silence such a crime. The statistics are merciless and the number of people declaring themselves to be Christians does not coincide with the number of people who do not accept abortion or ethanasia. There is a very big difference. It is only one commandment of God – thou shalt not kill – and where are the rest of the issues, e.g. divorce, ecumenism, etc.?

Being with God, you can’t lose, but you can’t cheat Him either. He knows your thoughts and your soul. No one should hope to hide something when the soul is covered by the shadow of the fallen one.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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