Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Your fight for survival in the turmoil of sin

Everyday challenges throw us into struggle. We fall, we get up, and so on and so forth until we die. Sisyphus’ work is a picture of our lives. And it’s not a bad thing. Why – you may ask? Because it’s a much better scenario than steadily rolling downhill. Mindlessly, unreflectively following the illusion of happiness that the world gives us.

The right road is only one, and it leads upward. By following other roads we go against the flow. Even though most say it’s the right direction we will inevitably cause an accident and die.

Life is a hard and arduous struggle for survival?


Life is a hard and arduous struggle for Salvation.

However, it looks in many cases only like a jerk , clumsy attempts to break out of the encirclement by the army of the evil one. Even like trying to get out of quicksand. The more you want to get out the deeper you sink.

You have only one soul and you must protect it. Losing it means the end of the battle and eternal damnation. Unfortunately, so many do not understand this and treat their soul like cannon meat , thinking that if it dies they will get a new one, which they will lose again, and so on indefinitely.

Don’t act that way. It is a road to nowhere, or rather to put it simply – to hell.

You have to be like a commander who knows that reinforcements will not come, and he has to capture the hill -Golgotha. Only in this way will we be victorious, that is, Resurrected.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful temple on a hill. The road to it was difficult, uphill, but you knew that the closer you were to your destination the less vulnerable you were to enemy attack. Now evil lurked in its ruins. It’s a situation similar to that during World War II. In Italy, a beautiful old monastery stood on top of Monte Cassino. The Germans had no intention of defending it. But when the Allies bombed it, destroyed it, the ruins became a perfect place to defend it. Conquering it cost the lives of many soldiers.

The same is true now in spiritual warfare. Souls are being attacked from places once beautiful and faithful to God. In the ruins, evil can hide well. And attack by surprise, from places that were once safe.

The soul is a treasure, it is a diamond you received from God. You should polish and polish it to make it more and more beautiful and pleasing to God. However, so many of us are afraid of its brilliance and bury it deep. And for this they will be cast into darkness. But there is an even more important thing we need to be aware of. The soul is a jewel of great value and many want to steal it from us. We should be like soldiers always ready to defend , we must not let anything or anyone get too close to it. The soul is the abode of God and we should always make sure that it is ready to receive the Owner. Only ourselves and God in a cleaned of sins soul. Isn’t that a wonderful perspective?

Unfortunately, Satan knows this very well, so he tries to prevent us from doing so. The world tempts with sin. Knowing human nature, he knows what human souls desire. Do you know the saying. : She has stolen my heart. Surely you have heard it more than once. So be careful that someone does not say about you that the world has stolen your soul. If someone has stolen your heart then he has stolen only human elation, sometimes joyful, sometimes sad. But if someone steals your soul, you will be left with darkness, weeping and eternal torment.

We are only human, so we succumb to various temptations. The world makes sure that there are as many of them as possible. Especially nowadays, when all moral rules have been broken.

So it’s worth making an account for how much we sell our most precious diamond – our own soul. Isn’t it for a handful of pieces of silver? Or maybe for a moment of pleasure, which often passes quickly, but its consequences can haunt us all our lives.

The Catholic faith is the only religion that can and should be accepted not only with the heart, but also with reason.

God endowed us with reason so that we would think and not behave like animals following their instincts. At this point it should be noted that animals have a survival instinct, while humans reject God, and therefore their reason – and rush downhill to their own destruction.

Sin fuels sin, the soul blackens. And although outwardly they are colorful, free and laughing they stand on the brink of death. A soul without God is like a ship without a helmsman in a storm. It is known that it will crash, only it is not known when and on what rocks.

One must stop, calmly assess the situation and in the silence of prayer see the solution. This must be done by everyone, even those claiming to be on the right track. Overconfidence has led many a commander to his doom.

If you stand up to fight in the silence of prayer God will save you, quell the storm. But if you persist in the turmoil of the world – your soul will lose. You will remain in the darkness of the world.

Everything is very simple, only confused people can tangle everything up so that just the simplest way seems to them to be impassable. In simplicity is the Truth, in silence is the Truth. For the Truth is only our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is necessary to constantly remember this.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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