Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

St. Paul’s words a remedy for modernism

Holy Catholic Church cannot err, and anyone who claims otherwise blasphemes against God, who established this Church. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth, and Satan is a lie. However, this does not mean that the majority of people who call themselves Catholics, are infallible. Infallibility characterizes only those who completely submit to the will of God without any excuses or human dilemmas. Only then does everything become clear and simple. The Catholic faith is the most spiritual religion in the world because it is the Truth that is not to be discussed.

The problem with all this discussion whether there is a pope or not, whether he is a heretic or not , because he has not officially said something, is that it goes on at all. These discussions have one but fundamental flaw. They also convey lies to the person reading or listening to them. However, one should not discuss things established by our Lord Jesus Christ, because God cannot be wrong or change. Only man is capable of lying.
Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly says to shake off the dust and move on if someone doesn’t want to listen, so what is there to discuss? If someone wants to change something against the Gospel he is denying the Truth given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul the Apostle says it very clearly:

….. let him be accursed

St. John even commands not to greet such people.

Where is there room for discussion here?

St. Paul’s words are a remedy for apostasy because they end unnecessary discussions right from the beginning. If someone says something other than the Gospel, he is cursed. Such a person cannot have anything in common with God. This applies to everyone, even “an angel from heaven”.

A logically thinking person can answer the question of whether someone is a pope, bishop, or properly ordained priest by saying that if such a person denies the Gospel, he does not know and does not care about it because he is cursed and should not even be greeted. It is not his problem what people call him. Of course, Paul the Apostle makes no distinction between whether someone preaches officially or not. A Catholic does not have to know all the rules created by man. The religion revealed to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is very simple, just like the words of St. Paul. However, people still want to be smarter and discuss, consider – only not what they should. One does not discuss the Truth, one just passes it on and moves on. And the best way to show it is by one’s own actions. I wanted to point out here that it has nothing to do with which pew you sit in at church.

If someone does not accept the teaching conveyed in Revelation, leave him and move on. You don’t even realize how many people can stray from the path of truth by reading such discussions. So everyone should think about the consequences for others before commenting or joining a discussion.

The world hates us. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ has conveyed to us. Anyone who calls himself a Catholic should accept this fact. The consequence of this is a very cautious approach to various “authorities”, celebrities who surround us, especially in the media world.

The main rule to remember: Satan often conveys even 99% of the truth, but that 1% of lies aims to destroy our soul. There is an eternal battle for souls going on. It’s like with a fortress – a small gap in the wall is enough to blow up the entire defensive wall. In the stream of information, we must be very sensitive to lies, I would even say oversensitive. Cases or slips of the tongue in such people are never accidental or slips of the tongue. It’s worth remembering.

One of the most important battles being fought today is the fight for the lives of unborn children, and now even those who are born and brutally left to die by doctors. The bloody harvest of this practice is over 50 million murdered children annually. Glory to those who fight for life, but if someone thinks that it is different in the pro-life environment, that the world does not use them for its purposes, then they are deeply mistaken. I will not go into detail now, but I will draw attention to just one thing: think about why one person can write in every other post on social media that abortion is murder, and someone else gets a so-called ban for commenting “yes, it is murder” under such a post. It’s not about the popularity of a particular person; they even removed the president if they wanted to.

The logical consequence of abortion is the aging of society, so at some point, either you have to withdraw from pro-abortion politics or develop the next tool of genocide – euthanasia. The fact that China withdrew from its murderous one-child policy was ignored by the world because so-called Western civilization stopped being guided by logic and reason. They are not interested in saving people but in killing them. Euthanasia is developing faster in the shadow of the abortion war. The West is doomed to destruction. What three sisters of death – abortion, depression, and euthanasia – do not accomplish, China and the rest of the world, which is not so small at all, will finish.

Therefore, it is worth adopting simple rules and sticking to them firmly.

St. Paul’s words are a remedy for all our spiritual dilemmas today. They leave no room for senseless discussions.

…let him be accursed

And the words of St. John indicate that if you have already noticed who is who, then even traitors , liars do not greet – thus protecting yourself from the venom of falsehood with which they feed people.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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