Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

In the web of lies. Who recognized the Savior?

The game that is going on around each of us is a game with great stakes. Not for life, because that they can take away from us when they want and they prove it over and over again, but for the survival of humanity; for our souls, which are the only element that determines our humanity. The soul should harmonize with reason. The heart alone is susceptible only to fleeting impulses, very often seeing illusions rather than truth. Without the support of reason, the heart becomes only a tool in the hands of manipulators.

The entire system of evil is based on influencing our hearts in such a way that we cover up with gusts of the heart what reason tells us. The soul is sidelined completely, or presented as a place where some undefined entity operates. Depending on the needs, this can be, for example, the “spirituality” of charismatic sects , pagan, or modernist, that is, a combination of all heresies associated with the church today.

The basis of the Catholic faith is the rejection of anything that shows even the slightest tinge of falsity. This one thing determines whether you are walking with God, or whether you only think you are walking with Him – You are walking in your ignorance and the entrainments of your heart, which rarely point to the truth.

The reality around us is a lie. There can be no illusions about it. Our Lord Jesus Christ told us this. He said that the world will hate us, and this is the truth. The world locks us in its prisons of lies, hypocrisy, betrayal and then kills us. It cuts us off from the truth, pointing to wonderful slogans about freedom and brotherhood, and we even kill our own children in tribute to this evil. Alone, we fall into depression and kill ourselves by committing suicide, or continue to pay for endless therapies for a while, until finally the time comes for euthanasia. Abortion and euthanasia are two sisters of death. If you kill your own children through abortion, you are left alone in old age and euthanasia awaits you.

The world like Herod kills children, fighting against our Lord Jesus Christ. The innocent blood of children is a sacrifice offered to Satan.

Why does this genocide succeed ?

For Catholics, the right to abortion should be a dead law because it does not mandate abortion after all. The problem is that Catholics have a handful left, and most only outwardly profess the faith handed down to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. They have closed themselves to the work of the Holy Spirit and are unable to distinguish between good and evil.

The darkness that shrouds human souls is very heavy. The world is trying very hard to make us reject everything that has any connection with God. People who support globalist madness do not see that they are condemning themselves to death. Spiritual, and therefore eternal damnation, but also often and increasingly to physical annihilation. Fed with lies, they are fattened like animals before being killed. They do not have the strength to even think about opposing, let alone talk about deeds, i.e. fighting.

The web of betrayal of God that surrounds us does not let the truth through. It is terrible. But God is always with those who want to love Him, respect His laws, and those who want to repent. So, even in the darkness of dark times, one can see His helping hand and hear a gentle loving voice:

Leave everything and at least follow Me.

One can also see the Mother of God, our Beloved Blessed Virgin, pointing to the Son, encouraging us to listen to the Will of God.

This is so, is it not true? True , but rejected and buried at the bottom of the soul .

One hears only :

Yes Lord I’m already going … just …but … I’ll arrange something else … . And so on..In short, people’s thinking can be summed up like this:

When I get bored with the world, desires will weaken, I will be old , deaf and blind then I will go where you want Lord. Now the world, or more properly speaking – Satan, has better options to choose from. So many things attract us. Note how many church hierarchs suddenly converted at retirement age.

They returned to the Tradition of the Church, but how much premeditation in this is only them and to their misfortune God knows.

“Saints” on the side of the so-called defenders of faith and Tradition have also arrived. And what clever questions they ask before letting in their group. Well-read Pharisees. But they forget that they are the ones who are not supposed to ask questions, but to convert and lead everyone to the Heart of Jesus. And only when someone rejects this, then shake off the dust. Woe to those who preach a false Gospel, but an even worse fate will befall those who close the gates to stray sheep.

The Pharisees locked themselves in the temple and thought they were equal to God. They were so caught up in their imaginary greatness that as a result they murdered our Lord Jesus Christ. They crucified the Beloved Savior because their knowledge was devoid of love for God, and they replaced it with love for themselves.

What will come to you from knowledge, from knowledge of all church regulations, if you are stuck in hypocrisy and belief in your own superiority over the little ones. What will come to you from knowledge if you can’t apply it properly?

If you even know more than others, it is because God gave you such knowledge. He gave it to you like a talent that you must multiply, not bury. Even placed in plain sight for everyone to see how wise and learned you are can mean that you buried this gift.

Who recognized the Savior ? Ordinary, poor people, not those scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites.

Modernists are traitors and Judas collaborating with the world, and their priests sin because they are shepherds of Satan. But where are those who should save the stray sheep ? Locked in the enclaves of their groups, they wait for the coming of God saying that they are ready. Yet he will tell them: I don’t know you !

Before our eyes, the media and so-called Internet authorities like a pack of wolves are tearing apart people’s minds. People do not even defend themselves anymore , because they think that this is freedom, that they still decide. However, this is death. Freedom can only be found in God and with God, and everything else is chains of evil, chains dragging us to hell.

You can always break out of it, you can always see God’s helping hand, but the fundamental question is :

Do you want to see it?


Arkadiusz Niewolski


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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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