Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Faustina Kowalska’s unbelievable hubris

“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

So says the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Beloved Saviour. How much humility and submission to the will of God there is in these words. Handmaid of the Lord – not a colleague as God is now treated. No, the Mother of God at the Annunciation, humbly surrendered herself to her Lord and accepted His will.

Who have people become in their own minds that they now treat the Blessed Virgin Mary as a colleague and our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore God, as many forget, as a colleague? And above all, why do they think and act this way. When did human pride replace humility? After all, pride is a denial of the faith of Christ.

The first will be the last Humility is a basic, essential virtue for a Catholic – but not the false, treacherous one represented by Francis, for example. “Who am I to judge” as an answer to the question of sins which God abhors and even hates is not humility but the affirmation of sin.

At the beginning I quoted the words said by Our dearest Mother. And now, for comparison, the words of Sr Faustina Kowalska – the modernist goddess. For how else can her words be interpreted:


“…when I received Jesus in Holy Communion, my heart cried out with all its might: Jesus, transubstantiate me into a second Host!… and the Lord answered me: You are the living Host…” (Acts 1826)

Someone wonders what Faustina is demanding? To ridicule the Body of Christ through descriptions of popping Hosts was not enough. He wants to become equal to God.

The lifting of the ban imposed by the Church had precisely this aim – besides the cult of false mercy, the exaltation of man.

“JEZUS” BEZ SERCA – O “wizjach” s. Faustyny i fałszywym miłosierdziu

The Mother of God at Fatima spoke of the coming punishments, the signs foreshadowing them. And so it happened – World War II came. However, just before it, in 1937, St. Faustina foretells a time of mercy and exaltation for Poland. The opposite of Heaven is Hell, so she was talking about one thing, and something quite the opposite came. Besides, with these arguments of hers about mercy, she contradicted the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, who spoke of punishments, and therefore of justice.

The unbelievable hubris that can be seen in her led her to a situation where she accepted everything her mind told her as coming from God:

“...tell the Superior General, let her count on you as the most faithful daughter in the Order…” (Acts 1130)

God does not confirm anyone in pride – this is probably clear. And these words, as well as others she wrote down in the Diary, are intended to make Faustina feel special. A normal priest is able to tell this right away.

As even followers of Felix Kozlowska claim. who was cursed by the Church by name, her successor is Faustina. And she is a perfect reflection of the sewage of all heresies, namely modernism.


Of course, she didn’t even imagine how much evil she would do, but she also must have realized that she was fascinated by Kozlowska, who was cursed by the Church. She wanted exaltation and it blinded her mind – so she got it. Only it wasn’t in the Church, but in Satan’s modernist synagogue. Man first – She was used to confirm the heretical teaching of Karol Wojtyla, among others, who, after all, states clearly:

“all roads of the Church lead to man” and that man is “the way of the Church” ( Redemptor hominis, 14).

Polish myths – Karol Wojtyla

The spark from Poland she spoke of really went out, only as it always happens when you listen not to God but to your inflated ambitions and Satan, it had nothing to do with God. Kozlowska, Kowalska and Wojtyla, who with their help caused a tsunami of hellfire engulfing most of the clergy and the entire administration. The third temple lay in ruins.

Upadek cywilizacji – Iskra z Polski

The Holy Church will always abide where the Gospel and Tradition. In the souls on the rock of our faith. Let us remember that.

Catholic doctrine says – reject everything that contains even a grain of falsehood, so the arguments of defenders that someone did not say everything wrong do not make sense. The devil also does not say everything wrong. A tiny spark is enough to burn thousands of trees. One even small lie, can lead millions of souls into the fires of hell. God is all Truth, and there cannot be even a hint of a lie in His teachings.

So many admire Our Lady’s humility, and don’t mind the exaltation of Faustina that can be seen in many places in the Diary. Apparently, they fail to see what humility is.

BEHOLD, I AM THE SERVANT OF THE LORD … Let’s stick to these words, not blasphemies like, I am the living Host, or the most faithful daughter .


Niewiarygodna pycha Faustyny Kowalskiej

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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