Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Word and time unite in our expectation of salvation

In the beginning was the word. The word came into the world and was rejected. We do not understand the words and we reject them. We reject God by rejecting words.

We do not understand that the word, for example, abortion means murder and that the word faith means love for God and surrender to His will. We do not understand because we perceive the words differently. We do not know their true sense and meaning. Someone says: euthanasia – you automatically think not of suicide or murder, but you imagine someone lying under an apparatus and that they have to be disconnected out of compassion so that they don’t suffer. That is not the case and that is not how it works. A suicide machine was invented in Switzerland. The world has destroyed intergenerational solidarity. It kills children, then it must also kill the elderly, of whom there are more and more.

Abortion is the killing of unborn, living children. If someone says the word abortion, people associate it with the Church militant against it and an attack on freedom, although this is no longer the case, The Vatican even supports various pro-abortion groups. Money from the Vatican’s Caritas, for example, goes towards promoting abortion. But when you hear the word abortion, you do not see murder, but only justification because, for example, the child may be ill. You don’t see that, for example, tests that show an unborn child to be ill are unreliable, because test manufacturers hide that they give false results of up to 85%. People do not see the death of a child in pain, but they see abortion as an escape from a problem. Whether real or fictional.

While beating a dog is a crime, ripping a child to shreds is just a safe word abortion. We do not understand the meaning of actions because we do not understand the meaning of words.

In the beginning was the Word and it was rejected. Now it too is rejected. The Truth is rejected, but in the end God will hold us accountable. He will show you that you supported murder and you will be surprised because you never wanted to understand the true meaning of words. What will you say then that you fought for freedom ?

For people, the passage of time is of great importance. They count it, they count it down, they want to know the future, they want to know how long they will live, they want to know when the apocalypse will happen, and so on. They look to the Bible and prophecies. It’s just that time doesn’t matter to God the way it does to us. If we are waiting for the apocalypse, we are waiting for God to act. No one knows when, because only He knows the date and the hour, and so it is better not to wait for something that we do not know when it will come, but to attend to our own salvation. Prepare for something inevitable and let go of listening to pseudo prophets. This can do more harm to the soul than good.

Word and time are united in our expectation of salvation. To understand the words is to be converted to the Living God AND to be united with Him now and forever, thus freeing oneself from the human pressure of time. Being ready to meet God, time no longer determines the course of your life. You love God and God loves you, so the time at which you meet does not matter.

You have to convert yourself, represent the full truth with your own attitude and be sure of what you say in order to help others. So that it doesn’t turn out that you are talking or even teaching about something and that Satan is speaking through you in some part . You reject something that doesn’t fit your theory and your thinking, and at some point it comes to a situation where what was supposed to be your flagship principle is a sham, because you are doing the opposite. People often fight for Catholic morality with words they don’t understand and with actions they violate its principles.

In the beginning was the Word and in order to move on one must know the meaning of words. Accepting all truth means living in truth.

The meaning of the word Truth is the foundation of our unity with our Lord Jesus Christ. Without such unity, you have no right to speak publicly about Catholic morals and principles.

The believer who does not see the truth is only a blind man and a sinner, but the one who preaches without seeing the whole truth, without being sent from God, is not only a blind man – he is cursed and, as Christ says, it would have been better for him not to have been born, or to have a stone tied around his neck. The led can fall and get up, but the leader is already condemned because he deceives the little ones.

If you speak the whole truth, they reject you because they refuse to accept it. They reject you and the Word, and time becomes their executioner because it flows inexorably carrying them into the abyss.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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