Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Soul killers! Part V – The Wolf

I return to a topic I briefly touched on in the last part of Killer of Souls because it seems to me to be an important issue in need of deeper clarification.

And once the wolf appears, it is a sign that the prince of this world has taken total control. The symbol of the wolf is very often seen in circles of people delving into the spiritual world. However, the wolf is not a loner, it lives in a pack and a pack is very dangerous. If one has already come to the point where he feels he is a wolf, he must realize that there is already a pack around him that he does not see. This is a stage from which it is very difficult to break free. I personally believe that he stays forever – like a stain on the soul – impossible to remove. Man is a being tainted by sin, and there always comes such a moment of life’s problems, in which, although he is already reconciled with God and so defending himself from them, he flees into the depths of himself into the darkest recesses of the soul and it seems to him that he is a lone wolf. And, unfortunately, he often does not return, because the symptom of the wolf state is suicidal thoughts.

Soul killers! Part IV – Opening up to the spiritual world

I will not consider here what a wolf is for the various sects, as this will contribute nothing to the issues raised.It goes without saying that if we take part in some pagan, occult rituals and think we are becoming wolves howling at the moon, this is unquestionably a bad thing and should not be open to any discussion. The problem is that nowadays it certainly provokes a lot of discussion because the fascination with the occult of various kinds has outgrown common sense. Every Catholic should realise that there is no black or white magic – there is only magic, which is an evil in itself. An evil that does not come from God in any, even the smallest degree. The problem, however, is that there are hardly any Catholics any more, and those who call themselves so very often join the ranks of various occult groups, confusing so-called spirituality with magic and sorcery.

But let’s go back to the wolf state, I might add that this is a name I use to describe a certain state and I don’t know if it occurs elsewhere.

Wolves live and hunt in packs; they are rarely solitary, but it is the figure of the wolf – solitary, menacing and strong – that has a very strong effect on humans.

A person delving into his or her soul without adequate preparation, unconnected to God, or much worse still introduced by some Protestant charlatan – so-called charismatics, or other cult followers – Buddha or Hari Krishna, or pagan shamans – is at risk of feeling like such a lone wolf. Alone in an unfamiliar world, she will on the one hand feel the strength, the uniqueness that is always present in this first phase, but also the loneliness. It is like a textbook example of the image of the lone wolf.

I have written about this before, but it needs to be repeated to the point of boredom. The spiritual world exists, which after all is confirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ when he says that God is spirit and must be worshipped in spirit. It is also known that where there is good, there is also evil, but worst of all there is also something in between. As in the world, most people fall by following what is not good, nor does it seem entirely evil, because they forget that the Beloved Saviour pointed out that such ‘in-between’ things come from Satan. Relativism is the domain of Satan. God is all truth and goodness itself.

The world hates people and therefore spares us no worries or troubles. In seeking a way out of difficult situations, one can easily become the prey of Satan. The ubiquitous cult of magic and occultism is only waiting for its victims to stray, rejecting the true God.

It is hard not to notice that the same people who make fun of Catholic spirituality (once again I must point out that it has nothing to do with today’s spirituality), literally rushing into the embrace of the occult, feed the ranks of various groups on social networks dealing with magic and witchcraft. They call faith and its practice superstition but already practices in the pagan edition are modern to them.

The occult, by the way, was adored by the Nazis, especially members of the SS, but after all, for them it is only the Church that is backward, and they are now so modern and liberated. They organise, for example, séances to “transfer souls” to their places.They simply evoke evil spirits – in other words. The fact that such things can destroy lives doesn’t matter to anyone except the aggrieved – if they notice it at all.

During a ghost-evoking séance, a group of young people noticed that the plate moved and that’s pretty much all they remember. They dispersed and never talked about it. One of them converted after more than 20 years and started to analyse what had happened. It all started with youthful stupidity, walking away from God, etc. Someday I will describe it in more detail.

Yes, few people realise what occultism is. There is no good or bad magic; every magic is bad, and the names behind which Satan is always behind are for the naive, not knowing who they are dealing with. Some, of course, think they are good, they even add prayers to their magical practices, and Satan bursts with laughter over human stupidity. All charismatic sects are also occultism nicely packaged to make the recipient think it is from God. Although the satanic babbling they call “speaking in tongues” or throwing oneself on the floor like a possessed person is difficult to associate with anything other than the devil, but people associate it with the Holy Spirit. How? The enslavement of the mind.

Just writing about such things triggers something bad in a person. It is as if it opens the gateway to the gates of hell. This is why, among other things, exorcists are forbidden to speak about their experiences of what they do. Of course, those associated with the synagogue of Satan today do not adhere to this, and for the purpose of promoting themselves or, for example, their books, describe such things. Whom such as these drive out I do not know, but our Lord Jesus Christ said that by the power of the devil the devil cannot be driven out.

By destroying the Catholic faith, the world has always said that this scientific approach is in line with the progressive world. At the same time pointing to pagan occultism, magic, witchcraft as an alternative . People deprived of faith become depressed; the number of suicides increases dramatically. Psychologists and psychiatrists have their hands full working on degenerate, empty souls. But they don’t help; they only temporarily fill the emptiness of the dwelling from which God has been cast out.

So when alone among people, hobbled by failures but willing to fight, you enter the spiritual world. You are not prepared, you have not humbled yourself before God, and so you have no defender. Initially you feel a sense of strength, your belief in yourself intensifies. You light some candles, maybe even like incantations you say some prayers e.g. to the angels. Only that a prayer is not an incantation and to utter it in such a way is blasphemy insulting to God. You, however, feel the strength of a lone wolf; you feel that you will overcome all adversity. You are ready to fight even against God forgetting that you are only dust. Maybe you never knew that. Who was there to tell you? Yes, it is true. Just why did you reject Catholic teaching, which I’m sure you’ve also encountered in your life, and follow everything else – as far as possible from the One Living God.

You feel the strength of the lone wolf without seeing that the pack is around, and the lone wolf has the most strength and desperation when he is cornered, driven to a dead end, surrounded and ready to die. But to you, what you feel may even seem romantic and you see victory. Satan may give you something in the beginning; some money, a promotion, or maybe something more, maybe something you really want. But you will have to pay for everything – even if the consequences later turn out to be fatal, and they will, and at best there will be no consequences, good or bad.

God only holds you accountable for your own sins, but hell makes you pay for everything it had to do for you.

It would only be enough to remember this before performing any rituals. There are various ones, even ones that prescribe the recitation of Catholic prayers. Lighting candles is almost a duty of every occultist. Yes, by practising whatever they offer you become a follower of the occult. Although you’ll think it’s just playing with pagan idols. No it is no longer fun. If you have even once been in the wolf state described by me, not only is it not fun, it will stay with you for the rest of your life even if you convert. He will linger in your soul like a shadow and every second of your life he will be ready to come out and take over your mind. Then when you put up a fight against him you will see who you are. A nobody. Without God you are nobody. You don’t stand a chance because this shadow is Satan, who has already learned your weaknesses. You are like an open book to him, he knows where and when to strike. Only God can save you. But you may never even know it, closed to God. If even He is willing in His mercy to help you by showing you the way you may never see it.

Remember if you ever somehow get caught up in some kind of spirit calling circle, or “fixing” your soul, or sending stray souls back to their place (it’s called variously) and you feel you need to get out of it – do it immediately. Don’t listen to anyone who will tell you about some methods, that you need to ‘shut something down’, that something will be wrong if you just leave it. Do it immediately and pray. Pray without ceasing for forgiveness. The medium, the person who conducts such things is sacrificing your souls to Satan – as payment for temporary benefits for himself. He opens all doors, and closing them is only possible through you, with the necessary help of God. If you think you can overcome this on your own, without God then you will be smashed to dust. This strong sense of willy-nilly and self-power will sink you. Without God you have no chance, and ultimately only depression or suicide will be within your reach.

Recently, on a popular portal, I noticed some text about ‘old souls’. This type of narrative is abundant today. These old souls supposedly teach us about ecology, progress and that we all belong to one “luminous family”. Familiar new age rantings for years, but the same ones Bergoglio is passing on to us today. Ecological conversion – if you don’t follow “progress” you are a stiff and even a terrorist. “Luminous” or Luciferian – as if anyone had any doubts. Everything leads to one universal religion and one government “making us happy”. And this “progressive” person is someone who indulges in spiritual hoaxes packaged with witchcraft and fortune-telling. But unfortunately people believe in such things to their own destruction.

You have to avoid any confessions of exorcists – they are just as dangerous as all these rituals. You must know that Catholic teaching forbids such things, and they are not Catholics if they do, because they are giving away secrets, or lying, which is more likely.

Of course, all charismatic sects are just sacrifices offered to the prince of this world, and you must remember that too.

If you are converted and our Lord Jesus Christ dwells in your soul, you will come out even from the evil shadow of the wolf, but he will be lurking outside; he will be waiting for you to fall. And yet it is well known that everyone falls sometimes. It is better not to forget this, lest you be taken by surprise.

Thousands of people belong to occult groups on social networks, how many of them realise that they are just victims?

You had better be aware of this.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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