Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Soul killers! Part III

Seemingly, it may seem to us that our lives take place only in the material world. The most important role in it is played by money, worldly goods and the desires of our bodies. This is the image conveyed to us by anti-Christian propaganda, which accounts for 99.9% of messages.

We are dealing with the Catholic faith, so the best example of the changes that have taken place in the way Christians think are the priests, or rather the clergy as a whole. In the book “On the Imitation of Christ ” which was written many centuries ago, the author writes that at one time the measure of holiness was not only to follow the rules of monastic and priestly orders, but to go even further – to add duties and prohibitions for the glory of the Lord. He notes, however, that even in his modern times, one who makes any effort at all to follow the rules in force is considered almost a saint. Now it has gone much further, and the clergy, not only do not enough to follow the already relaxed rules, but also demand their changes going with the spirit of the world.

With horror we can observe nuns or priests promoting some sexual behavior, and yet they should not deal with such things at all and live celibate lives. And promote such a life as the highest degree of devotion to God.

The life of Catholic spirituality has ceased to exist even among those who should promote it. Priests want to abolish celibacy because they are interested in the lusts of this world, not God. And those who are interested in such things look only to their own glory and want to become great charismatics in the Protestant style. They set up charismatic groups with themselves as gurus. How often this ends up in sectarianism can be seen from the accounts of people who have tried to get out of it. Many years ago I myself was invited by a priest to a founding meeting of a prayer group, and I saw the horror of a woman when she realized it was supposed to be a charismatic group. In a trembling voice, she said that probably after two years she still could not recover spiritually after being uprooted from such a group, and that only God saved her from suicide.

The hallmark of people associated with such sects is that they, yes, believe that Satan can deceive and attack you even in church, but already in those halls and stadiums of theirs it is only God who speaks. This is typical Protestant propaganda. Protestants outwardly very often show love for everyone, but already less officially they are spreading literal hatred for everything associated with the Catholic Church. Anyway, they are now paying the biggest price for their perversity. Satan is just showing them that he hates even the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they are using him too. Christianity has become the most persecuted religion in the world, and very often Protestant denominations are the targets of attacks. The Protestants, who were so happy about the Vatican’s deviation – which they were working hand in hand with the Freemasons to achieve – have become victims of their own actions. By the same token, the same situation also applies to the Jews, who have always been characterized by their hatred of the Catholic Church, and now after its demise I have encountered statements by rabbis speaking out in defense of life, reproaching that they are losing their foothold in the Catholics. The destruction of the third temple that was the Catholic Church has a huge impact on the entire reality around us.

Many enemies of the Church are only now realizing that in destroying the Church they have destroyed themselves. Unfortunately, the real enemies of Christ are not the often paid gangs of leftists vandalizing buildings, but the followers of the prince of this world, much more dangerous and realizing what the modernists do not reach – that the real battle takes place in the souls.

They know that the image they create of the material-only world will not threaten the true Church hidden in the souls of the elect, because what has collapsed has long since had no value in the eyes of God anyway, as even the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima testify.

The emptiness of man’s soul without God cannot be filled by visits to a psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist. That is why people’s attention has been directed to pagan cults and oriental religions. To everything that distances one from the true God. And that this often leads to terrible mental consequences, depression and even suicide – it does not matter to them.

Again, I point out that they talk about progress, the “spirit of the times,” modernity and science, and they direct people to paganism and, importantly, to religions that have been unchanging for centuries. And this does not bother them at all. For this they have always accused the Catholic Church of not changing and standing firm on its doctrines. One has to be blind not to see this, and people don’t see it, they just look for spiritual harmony in Pachamama or Buddha, while they have it buried in their own souls in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Again, I point out that they talk about progress, the “spirit of the times,” modernity and science, and they direct people to paganism and, importantly, to religions that have been unchanging for centuries. And this does not bother them at all. For this they have always accused the Catholic Church of not changing and standing firm on its doctrines. One has to be blind not to see this, and people don’t see it, they just look for spiritual harmony in Pachamama or Buddha, while they have it buried in their own souls in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Probably very few people realize that the Freemasons, who promote atheism among the Christian world, themselves recognize that faith is necessary for man. Most Masonic lodges have in their requirements the necessity of belief in some god.

They fight only one religion – the true Catholic Church, while today’s false one they openly support. They don’t mind Islam, Hinduism or other pagan religions. This is what their rationalism – atheism – really looks like.

Opponents of the current system, are also very keen on the anti-Catholic narrative, not realizing that they are just a tool in the hands of the globalists , whose only goal is to erase the name of the Lord our God Jesus Christ.

I recently came across a certain anti-globalist site on the web. A cursory perusal of the titles led me to assume that it has Protestant overtones, but since I know what we as a site are being harassed for, I was interested in how it still exists. I came across a “documentary” by a Protestant researcher on the practice of child trafficking, child victims, etc. This is a fairly well-known topic, so I decided to listen. The lady quite meticulously proves that some politicians, or elites in general – artists, actors, singers take part in it. She gives some facts there, I don’t know if verified, but she tries to prove it. However, when he moves on to the Catholic hierarchy, he shows pictures of three popes and suggests that they also took part in it without pointing out even a scrap of evidence for his theses. Hardly, he cites, it is already known that lying and manipulated cases of alleged thousands of graves of children in Indian schools. These are quite well-known attempts to shift responsibility for the Protestant genocide against Indians carried out in North America, to Catholics. Protestants very often hatred – especially of the Blessed Virgin Mary – obscures the truth, and one must be very careful because they are often a tool in the hands of the system of evil. Anyway, in the end, this researcher proclaimed victory over the globalists by showing the protests in Canada. This was in 2020 . There is no victory. It is impossible to draw real conclusions from lies and hatred .

Nor does anyone want to point out that the main blow associated with depopulation, is aimed precisely at the former Christian world.

The worst regimes have become active in Europe, Australia and North America. There, the most dangerous mRNA-based vaccines were used – in the rest of the world, they were largely traditional vaccines with no such side effects. Many now talk about depopulation but without pointing out the real goal.

You’re supposed to think it’s really about the whole world because they want it. But the truth looks different.

Everything is directed against the nations associated with Christian civilization.

Aren’t you surprised that a real invasion of refugees is being allowed!

Aren’t you surprised that terrorists, criminals – everyone but Christians – are tolerated!

It got to the point that even during the evacuation from Afghanistan, the State Department was concerned with obstructing the evacuation of Christians condemned to death there, instead of dealing with, for example, the rescue of military equipment of great value. I would add that the evacuation attempts were undertaken by private foundations with their own money.

Do you understand now that you are the target, not all of humanity!

Christians, all those who pronounce the name of Jesus Christ are the target of the globalists. They know that His temple has been demolished, but they also realize where it still survives, and so they seek the physical annihilation – first of Catholics, and then of the rest – of those who believe in at least the slightest degree in Jesus Christ.

The more orthodox, perhaps traditional Jews know that the globalists are not guided by any God, but by Satan, and that is why they are enemies of the system However, this is only a handful – even smaller than the Catholics.

Protestants won’t tell you why the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki precisely on a Catholic cathedral and neighborhoods populated by Catholics. It had no military significance. Think why a Protestant country chose just such a target!

Monte Casino – this name is known to everyone in Poland. Only who knows about the fact that this beautiful old monastery had no military significance and the Germans did not intend to defend it at all. No one can rationally explain why the Allies bombed it. On the other hand, the ruins, which were a perfect place for defense, had already caught the interest of the Nazis. How many lives were claimed by this ideological war probably does not need to be explained to anyone.

All this has already been there now the last bastion is left – our souls, which is why they are so furiously attacked.

Arkadiusz Niewolski

Zabójcy dusz! Cz.III

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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