Catholic during the Great Apostasy

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith !!!

Depression – there is a cure in your soul

It is an undeniable fact that depression is a state of loneliness without God. I already wrote this in an earlier text which I recommend reading: Depression – loneliness without God!

However, from the signals that reach me, I noticed that there is a misunderstanding of the situation mentioned there.

Someone says: What loneliness without God? after all, I believe in God.

This attitude is very common. I will leave aside here the fact of the deviation of the majority and belief in some idol created by the modernists, about which we often write.

Faith in God – what is it and how should it manifest itself?

A Catholic should believe in the Living God in the Trinity of One – the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and this goes without saying . This excludes, of course, all ecumenical heresies telling us to believe in some indefinite deity, mother earth, pachamama or other Buddha made of wood or stone.


Many people will affirm that they believe in God, but the approach to heresy is worse. Rather, they recognize that those who pray to Buddha or Allah also speak to the same God. By doing so, they indicate that they do not belong to the Church established by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Why? Because simply believing that there is a God is not enough. It is necessary to know exactly which God one believes in. It is also known that faith must be combined with appropriate behavior. A dead faith will not help us in any way.

I’m sorry I wasn’t supposed to write about the derogation, but the Judas betrayal of today’s church comes back again and again like a boomerang, no matter what topic you bring up.

So we have to believe in the true God, back it up with conduct – and I don’t mean that you have to manifest it at every turn and convert others. Everyone must consider whether he is prepared to do such things, whether, for example, his conduct does not contradict what he wants to teach others . Very often people perceive us as they see and not as they hear, especially those who know us. However, there is one very important thing that often blocks us. This is the lack of submission to the will of God.

We are talking here about depressive states. Why do they also occur in believers, although they shouldn’t, at least not in such intensity?

The issue like everything related to the Catholic faith is simple. It’s easy to be Catholic, despite what some people say.

We believe that God exists , we even think that we have completely surrendered to His Sacred Will, but we are missing this one element – we should simply BELIEVE God and trust Him.

It is not true that God wants our suffering per se – even the punishments He sends on us always have a purpose. Here I would like to point out, of course, that this has nothing to do with heresies such as false mercy or an empty hell. It can be said that nothing happens without a cause. Punishments are for transgressions, and obstacles and problems in life for the strengthening of our souls.

Also, one must not fool oneself into thinking that one does not know if God is punishing one. It is enough to do a deep examination of conscience and it will be clear that we deserve punishment.

An examination of conscience is enough to determine why, for example, everything is suddenly falling apart in our lives and we become depressed. Besides, I suspect that many of us are very well aware of what we are doing wrong, even without an examination of conscience.

We know what an examination of conscience is, but in this case we need it to diagnose the state of our soul. The realization that this may be a punishment for a particular sin will allow us to determine the further course of action. Simply put, in a situation of punishment, a grave sin, or a venial but recurring one, comes into play, and so this obstacle to contact with God must be eliminated. Without this, nothing will change.

Only when we exclude, at least in our consciousness, the possibility of punishment can we, with a clear conscience, surrender ourselves to God’s will. If we are stuck in sin and claim to surrender to His will, while doing nothing about it, it is as if we are mocking Him.

So once we have put in order some of the sins that linger in our souls, we can say that our dwelling is prepared to receive our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here comes a very important element of our faith. To trust in God, that is, to believe that everything must be given to him with our eyes closed and that everything we receive is for our good.

I once said to a friend:

– God and the Blessed Virgin Mary is with you. You can do it !

And the answer I received was a shock to me

– Yes I believe, but in this case they will not help.

It does not matter what the issue was, what is important is the attitude, lack of trust and lack of faith that God can help you in some human matter, even ordinary and mundane .

How can you get help if you do not believe God? well how?

After all, our Lord Jesus Christ so often before healing asked: do you believe? He said: your faith has healed you.

You have to believe God , trust that He will lead you, maybe a thorny road, but full of love, surrender to His will.

Faith without trust in God is nothing, and in extreme cases may even offend Him. Trust, of course, should be expressed in faith that our actions are supported by God, and not in the fact that we spout or write on some social network the next slogan uttered like an incantation by so many : Jesus I trust in you! And already hundreds of heartsin Facebook when they do nothing more. These are pure sentiments, feelings and momentary raptures.

Believe in God and act by fulfilling your duties. Such faith will give you the strength you need to overcome big obstacles, but also the tiny ones. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is always with you, will give you what is best for you. Only one question is always asked:

Do you believe ?

The answer of your soul is the key issue in such cases. What’s the use of cleaning your apartment for the landlord if you don’t let him in?


Sometimes it happens, maybe even very often that we let the Host in and shower him with requests, only to give nothing in return. We believe that God can help us, and we insistently demand it, without accepting any other solution except the one we come up with. What are we that we issue any guidelines? Isn’t it better to trust in the infinite wisdom of God?

In a conversation with a friend of mine, we once brought up the subject of praying to take away suffering from another person. At the time I said that this is a hard and responsible prayer, because we must realize that God’s will may be, for example, the death of such a person. Everything in such a prayer should be surrendered to God.  The answer was directly striking:

Yes I know that, that’s why in prayer I clearly indicate how the suffering is to be taken away, so that there is no mistake.

People already feel so great that they give precise instructions to God!

Every prayer and request should not only end with the words:

Thy will be done, not mine !

But above all, a deep love-filled trust in God, who, after all, knows better what is good for us. We must remember that God reads from our souls, not our lips, and mere recitation of prayers is meaningless without spiritual submission to His will, but also without action.

Suppose you are looking for a job. You need it, and so it is your duty as the head of the family. You need to do it actively and believe that God supports you and will help you master the fear of, for example, a job interview, that He will give you confidence, so much needed in crisis situations. Others may boast of their acquaintances, thanks to whom they overcome various obstacles, but you, after all, have the support of someone much greater than all people. You look in the mirror and see yourself perhaps as a loser , but you must know that you will never lose if you believe in God. In the mirror you must see yourself real and not the image created on social media . You need to look in the mirror , not in a crooked mirror . You don’t need retouching , because there will always come a time in which all your masks will fall off anyway and the collision with the truth will hurt a lot.

People live in the world of their imaginations and not in the truth . No one wants to show their own face , they only create themselves great . Now they are all so modern and progressive that they reject Catholic superstitions, but believe in magic, fairies and other pagan rituals without any problems .

Man at the center – as today’s deviant church preaches. People consider themselves gods, such are the great . Lousy are the gods who fall into depression in such great numbers.

Believe God, believe that He will help you in every situation, only you have to submit to His will instead of living your own way. Trust in the Lord and you will see miracles true in your life. Such simple and tiny ones very often, but how helpful in everyday things.

Trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, preferably through the Blessed Virgin Mary, who will lead you straight to the Cross and teach you that this is the way to the Resurrection.

Let us take care of our soul, which should be a dwelling place for the Beloved Savior . Let us believe in Him and act fully trusting in His Sacred Will. Isn’t it wonderful that for so little, God wants to give us so much ?



Arkadiusz Niewolski

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About Me

Let us build the Church in souls on the rock of our faith. God is Spirit and we should worship Him in spirit and truth. Now in the times of apostasy of the Catholic Church administration, when very often we do not have access to real priests, this is very important. It will allow us not only to survive, but also to strengthen our faith. The truth, even if it is hard for us, always comes from God. Let’s not live in a lie. The father of lies is Satan. Let us remember this. The truth is the determinant by which I am guided when I write for several years on the Polish website I founded and it will be the same here – in the English version.

Ps. I encourage suggestions for the translation. It will help me a lot.

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